I would love to tell you guys I was smart enough to discover this danger but the truth is I learned it in church and I'm just passing along a very helpful message. Two things that can be very dangerous to your fitness endeavors and in life are two seemingly harmless WORDS.... Can you guess them? They are "try" and "but". When you tell yourself you are going to "try" to make it to class, do your cardio, eat protein and produce every 2-3 hours, it is NOT going to happen. Why would I say this? It is because by using the word "try" you have already given yourself an excuse or an out. Think about it. When someone who is holding you accountable asks you whether or not you did it and you say "no", you then follow up with "I said I was going to try and I did". Basically "try" is the lack of commitment. Either do or don't but please for your sake don't "try".
The second dangerous word is even sneakier and one that I am learning to eliminate as well. That word is "but". In coaching clients, I can't count how many times I've heard, "I know I should be eating X and doing this much cardio BUT (insert excuse or contradiction here)". The word but negates anything that was said before it. It means what I just said isn't what I truly believe, think, feel, or endeavor to do because of whatever I say after the but. Think about it. Have you ever used the word but after any of the following statements? I know I need to keep breathing if I want to live. I know that if I stand in front of a moving bus it will run me over. I'm pretty sure you don't have a "but" to go after those statements so don't use "but" when it comes to talking about achieving your goals.
Keep these two little sneaky words out of your mouth. Do what it takes to meet your goals and watch your level of accomplishment dramatically increase.
Thanks - needed to hear about the danger in both of these words. This works for all aspects of life! How about "I could be bigger, but I work out regularly at Bootcamp and home so that my "b**t isn't so big".