Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Body Transformation & Weight Loss Challenge Winner Announced

Jean Drop Challenge Winner 

The Jean Drop Challenge is a weight loss and body transformation challenge with one objective...drop a jean size or two during an 8-week period.  Our winner lost weight and dropped THREE JEAN SIZES over the course of the eight-week body transformation challenge.  You can read her story below as she explains how to drop a jean size in eight weeks.  We will also give you our commentary on Maria's journey.

Before & After (8 Week Jean Challenge Results)

Before & After (8 Week Jean Challenge Results)

In any challenge, there is always some fall off and sometimes those who start slow, finish strong and sometimes the opposite happens.  Either way, we knew Maria meant business from the start.  Maria was able to fit and close her goal jeans after the first two weeks of the challenge. 


By the 4-week check in, we knew Maria needed a new goal to keep her motivated so we asked her to bring in new jeans however she surprisingly discovered that the pair she brought already fit so she had to bring her new pair to the 6-week check in and would only have two weeks to make improvements.  SHE DID IT!  Below are her pictures for her new jeans at week 6 and then again at week 8.

Week 6  & Week 8

She is very modest in her essay below where she explains how to drop a jean size or more in eight weeks so we take the liberty of telling you guys that during this challenge, Maria stepped up her game and showed up for almost every training session offered and handled a fun filled weekend trip during the LAST TWO WEEKS of this challenge.  She took food along with her, worked out daily on the beach, and planned her indulgences so that she could enjoy her vacation without bringing down her travelling companions with her fitness program.

Want to know how to drop a jean size is eight weeks?  Here's what Maria has to say about her journey.

When I decided to join the Jean Drop Challenge, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew I needed help getting back to a shape that has long eluded my efforts. I signed up, determined to attend every class and meet every challenge with my best.

Some days I was tired, but I knew that all I had to do was SHOW UP to the workout and I would be glad for it. Anything to keep me moving. That was absolutely key – NO EXCUSES to not show up.

I did not allow myself to think about the difficulty of what I was facing; I didn’t want anything negative to cross my mind. I knew that it would take a lot of hard work on my part to do this, but I had put myself in this position, and there was only one way out – to change my habits and to work it off.

I anticipated two challenging aspects: giving up my nightly glass (or two or three) of wine, and dealing with restaurants, as my husband loves to eat out on the weekends.

I had already learned that having a drink the night before a 5am workout makes the morning not so pleasant, so knowing that I had workouts M-W and Saturday early morning helped me keep the wine at bay.

As far as eating out, I figured if I went with salad, I would be safest from hidden fats and high calorie counts. I used salsa as my dressing and avocado as my ‘treat’. I would sometimes eat vegetarian protein prior to going out, to curb my hunger.

Using the online menu planner to create meal plans and see different ways to get all my protein and nutrients was very helpful. I have been eating healthy but really enjoying my food, so I know I can sustain that without feeling cheated, and continue to make progress. I also know that I need to keep my water intake high, which helps me not feel like snacking, and I understand the value of short-burst, hard workouts multiple times weekly to help my body burn fat.

These are tools I can keep in my ‘healthy lifestyle’ toolbox forever, and continue to use!


  1. Wow!!! So proud of you!
    Those photos are unbelievable!

    What an inspiration!

  2. thank you - it was SO worth the work! i would (and will) do this program again. and Concita and GREAT motivators!!


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