Monday, November 5, 2012

Fit Clubber of the Day

Fit Clubber of the Day

Coppell 5:20am Group

Pamela,Nancy, Shioneia, Swati, Renina, A.D., and Carolyn rocked today.  Before we started I told them this was their fifth week to do this workout and I wanted them to challenge themselves by either bumping up weight or aiming for more reps on subsequent rounds. Every single one of them rose to the challenge and they cheered and challenged each other along the way!!!!

Coppell 6:15am Group
Cinnamon and Tara :) They rocked the surprise workout and worked as a team and also competed against each other. They had a great workout and had a blast in the process!!!

Highland Village 5:30am Group
We had a tie this morning for FCOD.  Rochelle cranked out offset squat to press with 18lbs but Maria really focused today and made sure to make everyone of her squats and lunges full range of motion.  They were awesome.  Maria and Jaime also added the abduction to their side planks.  Great work ladies!

Coppell 9:30am Group:

Andrea had an awesome workout today.  She went up in levels on her offset squat and deadlift to row exercises and had lots of air under her feet with her jump squats during conditioning.  Way to go Andrea!

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