Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Coppell Boot Camp Replacement

Fit Clubber of the Day

Our Metabolism Mania, group personal training, is our boot camp replacement.  When you combine the fun and camaraderie of boot camp with the customization and attention to detail of personal training, you get METABOLISM MANIA!

6:30pm Coppell Personal Training Group 
Sometimes finding the strength to start after a break, planned or otherwise, is really hard to do.  However, Renee, Amanda, and Tricia rocked their first workouts back in true Fit Club veteran style.  Way to get back in the game ladies!

5:20am Coppell Personal Training Group
From time to time the energy in a training session is so high and the ladies feed off of each other's energy so much that it is impossible to pick one Fit Clubber of the Day.  For that reason, we are shouting out Donna, Shioneia, A.D., Natasha, Carolyn, Pamela, Nancy, and Vijaya for an awesome workout this morning.  Way to rock!

5:30am Highland Village Personal Training Group
Tabby, Liz, and Amy way to rock your workout today.  Amy did level 3 T push ups and level 3 squat jumps.  Liz had killer cross body mountain climbers, and Tabby performed each exercise with veteran style form.  Way to work ladies!

6:15am Coppell Personal Training Group
Cinnamon & Tara earn Fit Clubber of the Day for their efforts to step up their nutrition approach.  They are only 9 days in and when they walked in to training session this morning, we could already see a difference.  Way to go girls!

9:30am Coppell Personal Training
Bernice has her eye on her goal and it shows in her attention to getting better with each training session.  Today she had perfectly executed curtsy lunges and was powering through our Crazy Core finisher with excellent cross body mountain climbers.  Way to go!

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