Monday, January 11, 2010

Coppell Boot Camp Workout of the Day

Follow along with the awesome ladies of our boot camp program. Here's what they did in Coppell this morning...

-Y squats
-tricep pushups
-jump lunges
-wood chops (low to high alternate right side one circuit then left side next)
-bent over reverse flyes
Do each exercise for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. Go on to the next exercise. Repeat the entire circuit 4 times. This will take 20 minutes.

Randee- Awesome form and intensity the entire workout.
Demitra- Way to hang in there on that cardio circuit.
Deby- Awesome tricep push ups.
Monica- Way to push the intensity!

If you would like to join these ladies for a free boot camp workout, next week CALL ME
(214-257-0146) . It's bring a friend week at Great Shape Fit Club boot camp!

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