Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fit Club Lewisville....DAY ONE!

Today was a beautiful day and the kick off of Fit Club Lewisville was a blast! After an hour of circuits, drills and even an election day game (more on that later), the ladies of Fit Club were still standing strong and ready to come back for more on Thursday!

Here's what some of the Lewisville Fit Clubbers had to say after today's workout!

Tanya- First time Fit Clubber

Michelle- Returning Fit Clubber

Shelley- So Happy to be saving gas and not driving all the way to Coppell for Fit Club.

So on to the game, we played a game of "Capture the Undecided Vote". You should have seen "the candidates" running, blocking, and lunging to capture "the undecided vote". It was pretty funny but unfortunately I don't have any footage of that game for you today. Do you want to know which candidate captured the "undecided vote" the most times to win the Fit Club Presidential Election? I bet you do but for some things you just have to be there!

So CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME TO ATTEND THURSDAY'S CLASS FOR FREE Don't miss out on any more of the fun!

If you are ready to burn the fat and get your body back just in time to look and feel great for the holiday, CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TODAY! It's not too late!