Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Michelle Traw for her intensity and form!

Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Is Jenise Cerna !!! Jenise has bumped up to levels 2 & 3 variations still with perfect form!

Great job!

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day

Congrats to Tracy Allen & Missy Nicholson!

They both have perfect attendance this phase and always give maximum effort with stellar form!

Keep it up!

Gail Prince's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

The biggest obstacle that I had to overcome was to find time for me.
This included prepping my meals and exercising. My proudest moment
was when my entire family decided to participate with me; my husband
cooking the chicken and turkey and my daughter helping to assemble
meals. Having all those gladware meals ready to go in my refrigerator
made all the difference. This challenge was not just about me but the
ones I love as well. I had challenges during this period that I had
to face. I was not always compliant but learned to forgive myself at
that time and continue on the path of what I knew I needed to do.
This is an area of growth for me. I usually “mess up” and decide to
throw in the towel. This time I immediately would turn around and get
back with the game plan whether it was nutrition or exercise. The
accountability factor helps with adherence to the challenge. We all
need someone to lean on. I encourage others to take the challenge and
to remember all things are possible. If you fall, get back up
immediately, forgive yourself and just do what you need to do.

Nicole Edwards' Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

Taking the Transformation Challenge this time around was really not on
my agenda. I figured I would just continue to come to my boot camp
session once a week and try to comply with the nutrition to look like
I'd half way been under the guidance of a trainer. But after a nice
consultation with Concita and understanding why I really got serious
about fitness again in the first place (my father suffering from two
strokes around Thanksgiving 2009), I found that a three-week "get
serious" interval of training wouldn't be so bad. I've found that
veggies and water are my true friend. My appetite has changed once
again, for the better. And planning splurges is neither foreign,
foolish nor prudish. I am more disciplined, stronger, more flexible
and that much finer (I've got a few lines in my ab area I know I
didn't have before). Of course, my biggest challenge during this
challenge has been me, but I think with everything else that is going
on in my life right now (or not going for that matter) that I am a
better me and will be participating in another one to get even

Adrian Beekie's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

What obstacles did you overcome to stick to the challenge and finish?
My biggest obstacles are my addition to flavored chips/crackers and my relationship with food. I have a mindset that if I could live without eating I'd do it. I do not find comfort in food, but I do like to snack. I'm not a stranger to preparing food for the week, but I have been known to throw away food I've prepared either because I'm bored with it or just rather eat chips.

What was your proudest moment(s) during the challenge?
Being able to hold planks, do squats with ease and do military pushups.

What was your lowest point during the challenge that could have caused you to quit?
Being the complusive weigher that I am...not seeing the numbers drop and even increase at times made me want to throw in the towel.

How did you overcome that low point to keep going?
Remind myself that Concita said she was once a tight 16 (like me) and now that chic don't look like she has a one year old child. LOL! So the program must work, plus i need to have the greatest transformation cause i can use that money.

How did you fit in your workout homework during the holiday season? What strategies did you use?
Have to get that done in the AM or it won't get done. Eliptical: 30 minutes on easy pace or 2.5 miles in 20 mins. goal, hit that Biggest Loser DVD, a Taebo DVD or that 500 calorie burn DVD. Have to do any and all workouts before my son wakes OR make it a game/challenge with him (get him to workout with me). He's very much a momma's boy. :-)

Were there any mental barriers that you had previously that you shattered during the challenge?
Thinking/adopting I don't have time nor the energy to workout 6 times a week.

Did you have any slip ups on the challenge with nutrition or workouts?
Yes but we're allowed 4 splurges so I stayed with in those 4. The program is little more lenient than I'm use to and I don't always have strong control after I get started on the foods that have helped me maintain the extra baggage I carry so I try hard to avoid temptations complete.

How did you recover?
FOAM ROLL!!!! That foam roller is my BFF. I take Aleve whenever the aches reach my feet and I soak in the tub.

What was the biggest contributing factor to your success?
I have this issue with weight versus inches so as of now I do not feel I have really succeeded in reaching my short term goal since my clothes do not fit looser and the scale number is not dropping.

What "driving elements" did you leverage to ensure your success besides entering the challenge?
I feel my driving element are my aches and pains (i attribute them to my size) and my desire to be back in a Wal-mart 12 (which is probably a 10 elsewhere)

How did the extra accountability of participating in the challenge affect your adherence?
It help me stay on top of my workouts and nutrition. I do feel the program could be stricter (like make the score card required) and the workouts harder (like that 6/21 4 min tabata routine), but that's just me :-)

I notice I excel on strict programs and not so great with lenient programs.

What would you say to another busy woman who doesn't think achieving her dream body is possible with nutrition and exercise?
Talk to Concita!! "That chic don't look like she has a one year old child."

Tanya Beach's Challenge Photo & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

Wow where do I start? I did it! I did not know if I would finish the challenge the 1st week, but I continued on the path of eating well and exercising even if I messed up a day or two. I had to remind myself that I was committed and that I would not quit. My proudest moment was exercising when I was out of town. I took my weights and Gymboss and cranked it. This is huge for me since I like to exercise with people. The food was the biggest challenge. Having two kids at home during the Summer break requires lots of patience and I was not allowed to have my occasional wine at night to wind down.

What I learned the most is that staying consistent with my eating habits today will help create healthy habits in the long run for me. It makes me think twice about what I am going to put in my mouth now. Accountability is the key for my motivation. I had a great Coach and Team to keep me motivated even through the times I thought I was not doing well. If I can do this challenge, you can too!

Shelley P's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

What obstacles did you overcome to stick to the challenge and finish?
I definitely still have more work to do but feel that my biggest challenges were learning, preparing and understanding when and what to eat. As well being self motivated and responsible for working out on a daily basis.

What was your proudest moment(s) during the challenge?
My proudest moments have been my continued participation because that was not my original intention, getting my family involved to keep me motivated, and hearing them speak of the results they have seen and how proud they are of me.

What was your lowest point during the challenge that could have caused you to quit?
Feeling lost in the challenge at times due to missing the initial meeting, falling asleep on a Sunday before checking in which caused me to loose my cash so easily and being extremely busy/overwhelmed with my current work load.

How did you overcome that low point to keep going?
Continued to remind myself how much I need this regardless of all the other things I have going on, remembering that it will only be as beneficial as I make it and continuing to attend class despite my late and busy work schedule (believe it on not, it actually helped relieve stress for the moment).

How did you fit in your workout homework during the holiday season? What strategies did you use?
I had to make it a household challenge to stay focused. They actually had fun, said they enjoyed it and should do it everyday, and felt good that we “got it in” for the day. It was their positive comments that kept me going.

Were there any mental barriers that you had previously that you shattered during the challenge?
Definitely! Working out…I have never had an interest, have always said “I can’t do it” and didn’t bother if no one bothered me about it. Adding the Tabata Man thing on my phone was the best motivator ever and helped with structure as well as learning work out routines in class that I can do at home.

Did you have any slip ups on the challenge with nutrition or workouts?
Definitely! My biggest down fall was trying to eating 6 times a day and making sure I only ate items listed on the menu that was provided. The workout was the easiest to keep up but I didn’t always go as hard as I could or should have.

How did you recover?
I can’t say that I totally recovered but I definitely had to continue reviewing the menu weekly when going to the grocery store and when having to grab lunch for the day. I also kept a food diary so I could see my problem areas and would use it as a reminder on where I went wrong.

What was the biggest contributing factor to your success?
I would have to say attending class weekly on Monday and Thursday’s. It was the only thing I did consistently.

What "driving elements" did you leverage to ensure your success besides entering the challenge?
Continued reminders of how much I need the change and how easy it is to gain any lost weight/inches back versus losing it and seeing pictures of myself that I didn’t really care for.

How did the extra accountability of participating in the challenge affect your adherence?
I think it definitely helped me stay on top of working out and need to work much harder on my meal plans. When my schedule is busy and stress is up, I am notorious for just not eating and I have not yet kicked the bad habit totally but am working on it…

What would you say to another busy woman who doesn't think achieving her dream body is possible with nutrition and exercise?
“Lady, your thinking is all wrong, anything is possible, the sky is the limit”! “You need to go to and get started on achieving your dream today”! :D

Calandra Lewis' Challenge Photos & Essay

Before (in Green) / After (in Blue & Yellow)

Don’t look at Fitness, Health and Energy as just being a diet, It is a Lifetime Commitment! Step forward to meet the challenge, Stay positive, and Results will be your Success. As a child and young adult I never had to be self conscious about my health or weight. For the past two years, my appearance changed from thin to thick and my energy level was at an all time low. I was active in high school, college and at the start of my corporate career. Now, I have decided to love myself. I have made a commitment to become more physically fit, healthy and energized; and stay this way! The Independence Day Challenge has been an awarding event for me. I have definitely learned how to prepare my meals for the week, stay on task and develop healthier eating habits. It is sometimes a challenge when you work in Corporate America to stay focus on eating healthy and just having the time to work out. It is so easy to go through a drive through and order a #1. It is quick and definitely will make you thick. That was my biggest challenge throughout the program. Sometimes, you have to just say no to temptation. I was so excited when I had to go out of town for a family wedding and was able to maintain my daily check ins and followed the nutrition plan while on the road. My sister in law had my favorite candy, turtles. They were calling my name, but I resisted temptation. The program has provided accountability, motivation and results for me. I am now incorporating more fruits and vegetables in my daily meal plans and holding myself accountable to work out at least 3 to 4 times a week. My mother has installed a quote that sticks with me on all of my endeavors,
“ It is not where you come from, it is where you want to go!” I keep this in mind and hope this will be a something that everyone can take with them. Don’t settle yourself short, Determination is the key.

Jennifer Garross' Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front/ After Front / Before Side / After Side

I entered the transformational challenge with the “hope” it might work. I can full heartedly say it did! I realized through the challenge that I had been robbing myself of the full benefit of boot camp. I learned that I had not been following the menus as well as I could have been and the key is prepping my food in advance. I also learned that going to boot camp twice a week is not enough exercise and found when I put my mind, body and soul into it, I could work out daily. There were challenges along the way as with any project. I struggled a couple times with making the right choices in my meals and almost caved for the easier route. I showed myself that I could prevail and made the right choice. In doing so I felt stronger not only physically but emotionally as I am one of those emotional eaters. I had several obstacles that I feel I overcame throughout the challenge. The first would be prepping my food for the week. I don’t always have a lot of time, but found I could do this when I planned appropriately and what a difference it made. The second obstacle would be my jobs. My schedule does not always allow for me to eat when I should but planning appropriately helped even if I was not always 100% successful, I did not give up. The final obstacle was time. I made time to work out outside boot camp and have found that I now crave my time at the gym. I have developed a routine and have not allowed for any disruptions. I guess I would have to say another obstacle was myself. I had to not only prep my food, make time for workouts, but also change my thinking. I have a tendency to do too much negative self talk and set myself up to fail. I found that instead of saying “I can’t do this” and saying “I can” made a huge difference and kept me going. I feel the biggest contributing factor to my success would be my daughter. She is my champion and cheerleader. Whenever she saw that I was struggling, she would jump right in with encouragement that helped to keep my going on the right track. I do believe my proudest moment in the challenge was when people started noticing a difference and asking if I have lost weight. The fact that my clothes have been fitting better and they are smaller is a definite plus! I would tell other busy women that achieving your dream body is doable and easier than they think because I was able to do it working two jobs, running my teenage every and keeping up with the day to day chores. The biggest impact the challenge has had on me is the confidence I now have in myself. A big part of that is thanks to you Concita for always believing and encouraging all of us!

Andrea Sanders' Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

This was a difficult challenge for me. I didn't know if I could balance it with work and personal obligations. I work odd hours when I’m in the process of completing projects at work. I have to reach deep for motivation when I work until 7PM, 8PM or 1:00AM. I kept my goals to lose 5lbs and getting back on track in regards exercise and nutrition at the front of my mind throughout the challenge.

Exercising on a consistent basis has never been easy for me. It is a constant battle, but I’m determined to continue the fight against an unhealthy lifestyle. I may moan when the alarm goes off at 5:00AM but I love noticing extra room around the waist area when I put on a pair of pants.

I’m proud to say that I met my goals. Well I’m only down about 4lbsJ I definitely got back on track in regards to nutrition and exercise. The challenge is not easy, but it’s worth it. It’s a must if you need that extra push when it comes to nutrition and exercise. You’ll think twice about missing a workout or putting a piece of bread in your mouth.

Tricia Duhon's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front/ After Front / Before Side / After Side

WOW! This was my third challenge to participate in and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I haven’t received the final results yet, so I’m not able to measure my progress in terms of percentage or inches lost. But, I can feel my progress when it relates to habits and attitude. With each transformation challenge, I can see the newly-introduced lifestyle change becoming a routine. A habit. An instinct. Protein with every meal, 6 meals a day, Essential Fatty Acids, Protein Shakes, Boot Camp attendance, Strength Training, Interval Training, yadda, yadda, yadda. (Can’t you just hear Concita’s voice) J

I can see my attitude has changed about food as well. I imagine the correlation that Concita has made regarding logs on a fire being the same as food for your metabolism. If you feed the fire throughout the day, it will burn strong and consistent. So, food has become the fuel. Of course, I’m no nutritional angel. But, I try to earn my wings and halo during the week and then I’m able to enjoy a splurge when the opportunity arises.

I would encourage any woman that is interested in trying one of the transformation challenges to dive in! Push yourself to a new level. Get educated. Get motivated. I haven’t heard any participant yet say that they regretted being in the challenge. Go for it!

Brenda Lopez Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front/ Before Side / After Side

What obstacles did you overcome to stick to the challenge and finish?

I think my biggest obstacles to overcome was preparing my meals for the week and eating every 2-3 hours.

What was your proudest moment(s) during the challenge?

By the end of the second week I was able to wear some jeans that I had not worn in over a year!

What was your lowest point during the challenge that could have caused you to quit?

Having to come into work early and not being able to attend bootcamp class.

How did you overcome that low point to keep going?

I had to rearrange some things in the evening at home to fit in a workout.

How did you fit in your workout homework during the holiday season? What strategies did you use?

After work I would go straight to the gym and do a zumba or kickboxing class. Other days I would go straight home and do the cardio intervals and then I would go and pick my kids up.

Were there any mental barriers that you had previously that you shattered during the challenge?

Yes, two things. Eating every 2-3 hours and exercising 6 days a week.

Did you have any slip ups on the challenge with nutrition or workouts?

Yes with nutrition. Bread is my weakest point but I only did it twice.

How did you recover?

I took long hot baths and I had a massage.

What was the biggest contributing factor to your success?

I have to say my husband. He ate the same meals as I did so I wouldn’t be tempted to slip.

What "driving elements" did you leverage to ensure your success besides entering the challenge?

My driving element was trying to get off my blood pressure medication. I didn’t get off of the medication but my Dr. did lower my mg intake from 20 to 10.

How did the extra accountability of participating in the challenge affect your adherence?

It helped me with my nutrition. I learned to incorporate more greens and protein.

What would you say to another busy woman who doesn't think achieving her dream body is possible with nutrition and exercise?

I would have to say try Concita’s bootcamp class!

Daryle Currie's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

I thought I would take this challenge to see if I could totally focus on 3 weeks of "watching it". I knew there would be obstacles, but, hey, for 3 weeks "I can do this". The first 2 weeks were easier than I thought. I loved the Planning Sheet. It made planning meals and such so much easier - I actually enjoyed the planning and accountability sheet. However, starting onFather's Day (which I had planned on being a mini-splurge - I did the cooking), the last week was full of unplanned events and time-eaters. I did the best I could, but didn't get discouraged. I have noticed that my bra is a bit looser, my jeans a bit baggier in the tail end, and I swear, my double chin is now a one and a half. I'm anxious to get pinched to see if that old mid-section is smaller. It feels like it is, but I also feel like I'm in my 30's and those years passed me by quite a while ago. I guess I just needed the challenge to truly begin planning meals and exercise. So, I plan to keep it up. I'm excited to see where this takes me. And since I kinda goofed up on a couple of the rules, I won't be winning the challenge; but that doesn't make me a loser --- Oh, wait, I still am, but in a GOOD way. ;-)

Lasagne Singleton's Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

The main obstacle that I had to overcome to stick to the challenge was to adjust my work schedule for the month. I normally work later, but to make sure I met the timelines I had to make an adjustment. The eating portion was not difficult because I had adjusted my eating. I realized through the challenge that I was not eating enough and at the right times. The proudest moment during the challenge was when I became disciplined enough to work-out outside of boot camp. I participated in the challenge because I am competitive by nature, so the entire challenge was an adrenaline boost for me. My lowest point in the challenge was when I could not log in at the requested time. Technology, Technology is all I can say!!!

I would not participate in the challenge again, because it was more stressful to adhere to the timelines. I have been able to add working out to my busy work schedule. Working out in the evening and stressing about logging was a bit much especially when everyone wants their fair share of attention when the work-out is over. To another busy woman I would say it is not impossible to attain the dream body and proper nutrition but it is difficult to give everyone (family, friends, etc) the full 1000% that they seek. With Great Shape Fit club because of the time and the lessons I received I am sure I can reach my goal in a timely fashion.

Marian Hicks Challenge Photos & Essay

Before Front / After Front / Before Side / After Side

The very first challenge I had to overcome was my own insecurities of going the distance. Although I had been doing a good job of sticking to my nutrition schedule, after the first week, it became a struggle. Many times I was tempted to give in, but I didn’t. I had resolved that this was one time that I would not quit. I would not give in. I would stick to the goal I had set for myself.

To be honest, I had a few “proud moments” during the challenge: The first one, was an unexpected business lunch with my vendors at Taco Diner. I LOVE Mexican food and was not sure how I would handle the meal. But, I was able to get a fajita salad and basically had them hold everything but the LETTUCE and CHICKEN!!! (Well, I had a few more ingredients, but that’s what it felt like anyway!) The second proud moments came during our trip to California for 7 days. I packed enough fruit to last me the first few days. When we got there, as soon as I saw a grocery store, I went shopping! I loaded up on grapes, apples, water, cheese sticks and nitrate-free turkey, etc. This really helped me throughout the week. Lastly, I just tried on a smaller size of jeans and GOT IN THEM! Hallelujah!

The biggest contributor to my success was my family. Whenever I was headed to bootcamp, my husband always had two words for me “BRING IT!” And I tried every time. Additionally, when I did my home workouts, my daughter (who is 7) was a great supporter. She would come into the room where I was working out and say “You’re doing great Mommy!” It really encouraged me because each time she came in was at a point where I really wanted to stop the workout early.

Lastly, I do have a few words of encouragement and support to those other busy ladies out there. YOU CAN DO IT! Plan the Work and Work the Plan! I travel 3 days out of each week. The best way to combat any obstacle is to plan for it. Fix your meals on the weekend for the week ahead. Make sure you have healthy snacks with you at all times. Make sure you keep extra bottles of water in the vehicle. Make exercise an actual appointment on your calendar. This is about your good health and you are worth it! If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of your family? And lastly, I want to share a favorite quote of mine…so that when you hit your goals you can join me and say this:

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. – Vince Lombardi


Monday, June 28, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Anne Colby - who had perfect form on all core exercises and bumped up a level on several exercises.

Way to go Anne!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Congrats to Nichole Bentley & Andrea Sanders!

You rocked the challenge workout without compromising your form! Excellent job today ladies!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Troylynn Toney!

You increased your confidence with excelleng form, steady progress with increasing levels, and making steps to change your nutrition for the better...eliminating those liquid calories.

Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day


Our boot camper of the day is Karen Roberts for her great intensity!

Way to set the pace Karen!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Kelsha Jones!

Kelsha rocked out a hard workout with great intensity. Her focus and willingness to go hard and confidence in her ability to execute the exercises has skyrocketed in the last month!

Keep up the good work!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Nicole Bentley - you killed it today! Excellent job and keep up the good work!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Highland Village PM and Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Highland Village Thursday: Way to go Michelle Coon!

Coppell Friday: Excellent job Andrea Sanders!

You both had through the roof intensity and outstanding workouts! Keep up the good work!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day


Congrats to Daryle Currie who has perfect attendance and ROCKED the contra-lateral push ups today which are a very hard exercise!

Way to go Daryle!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day


Our boot camper of the day is Katrina McNair who was a great team player today - super encouraging to her fellow boot campers!

Nice job!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day


Congrats to Beth Mays for stepping up to the challenge of the workouts with 100% effort!

Way to go!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day


Our boot camper of the day is Jessica Garross - Rocking the workout with her great intensity! She even created her own level 4 workout with the jump squats.

Keep up the good work!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Melissa Vessels!

Melissa our former "queen of level 1" brought her best game today and trained as if she wouldn't get dinner if she didn't have a peak performance workout. She has progressed tremendously in the few months she has been in boot camp and rocked out many level 3 variations today...WITH INTENSITY!

Way to go!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day


Congratulations Marian Hicks! Marian came back after a month away traveling and was just as intense as ever. Proof positive that she took what she learned in Fit Club with her on the road and that's what it is all about...creating a lifestyle!

Way to go Marian!

Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Our boot campers of the day are Nicole Bentley and Brenda Lopez! They brought their A-Team Game throughout the whole workout!

Excellent job ladies!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Our Boot Camper of the Day is LeeAnn Shannon!

LeeAnn has been growing in confidence, performance and intensity since she joined Fit Club and had a super outstanding work out today. Way to go!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Congratulations to Andrea Sanders & Nicole Edwards our boot campers of the day!

Both Andrea & Nicole have very focused, super intense workouts today with loads of level 3 variations!

Keep it up and embrace the burn!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations to our Boot Camper of the Day, Teresa Drown!

Teresa rocked out many level 3 variations of the exercises and was quite a team leader today. Way to take ownership Teresa!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Sonja Moore, the Boot Camper of the Day!

Sonja has come a long way in her short month with boot camp. She pushed the envelope tonight and attacked the workout with the confidence of a boot camp vet.

Good job Sonja!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Rachana Shah our Boot Camper of the Day!

Rachana has grown so much in only 1 month. Now that she has the form of all the exercises perfect, she is consistently stepping up her intensity with every workout. Awesome job today Rachana!