Monday, February 28, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 28th

Congrats Chantell Lacy! She pushed through the workout...her face said it all...she was feeling it and continued to give it her all and not let up!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Friday, February 25th

Way to go Kim Ellison! You bumped up your levels and stayed very positive throughout the class!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, March 24th

Congrats Kelli Podeyn! Kelli pushed really hard for the duration on all the exercises and had an outstanding workout. And it was her birthday! What a great example of dedication and determination to reach your goals.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, February 24th

Congrats Daryle Currie - During her time with Fit Club, Daryle has gained a tremendous amount of strength and stamina. Most importantly, her idea of what she is capable of doing physically and her willingness to try even some of the hardest training moves is impressive. She is actively pushing her limits and her workout today was another display of her strength, confidence, and willingness to get better. Way to go Daryle!

Shout out to Andrea for bringing Vicki. She did an amazing job on her first day. Thanks for helping us spread the joy of training hard!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 21st

Way to go Kelli Podeyn! She used her 15 pounders for the entire Boot Camp Survivor workout and made the Zottman Curls look easy. Way to go Kelli! No turning back now!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, February 23rd

Nice job Demetrice Jasmin! She bumped up her squat jump exercises for a very hard 15,30,45,60 and back ladder exercise and stuck with the new level the whole time!

Keep it up!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Tuesday, February 22nd

Congrats Valerie Cooper! Valerie added a little bit of an additional challenge to the in and out pushups and rocked it. Very impressive!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Eat Protein with Every Meal for Body Transformation Success

One of the “Eating for Great Shape” nutrition principles is to eat protein with every meal. Since you will be eating every 2-4 hours, this can mean eating protein 5-6 times every day. Since eating chicken and steak five times per day doesn’t appeal to most people, it is important to discover a variety of healthy protein selections to be successful at eating to support your body transformation. A great protein source that is a staple in the nutritional arsenal of many fit ladies is Greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt, also known as strained yogurt, is yogurt that has been strained in a cloth or paper bag or filter to remove the whey, the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled. This straining process removes excess water as well as dissolved salts and sugars and results in a thicker, creamier yogurt whose consistency is between the consistency of yogurt and cheese that still has the sour taste of yogurt. Even the non-fat versions are creamy, unlike unstrained yogurt.

Although strained yogurt is part of the traditional fare in Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries, strained yogurt has recently grown in popularity in the U.S. because of its rich texture. It has become an absoute mainstay in fitness circles because it has twice the protein of regular yogurt and less sodium, carbohydrates and sugar.

Adding Greek yogurt to your daily nutrition is a quick and tasty way to get adequate protein intake but as with any food there are a few precautions you can take to be sure that your Greek yogurt isn’t secretly sabatoging your body transformation efforts.

Does your Greek Yogurt Pass the Test?

#1 Be sure that you are eating the lowfat or nonfat versions.
Lowering your intake of saturated fat to make room in your daily nutrition to add heart healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil is one of the ways that we manage intake for successful body transformation without having to count calories.

#2 Avoid flavored yogurt – buy plain only.
Buying flavored Greek yogurt eliminates one of the benefits of eating this kind of yogurt – low sugar content. To make flavored yogurt, fruit, other flavors, and SUGAR are added to plain yogurt. Reducing our intake of added sugar in another strategy we use to manage intake for successful body transformation without tedious calorie counting.

#3: Watch out for additivies.
Some companies add thickening agents like gelatin to their Greek yogurt. While some of these agents aren’t necessarily “unhealthy”, our goal is to eat foods in their most natural state so look for brands whose ingredient list doesn’t include food additives.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 21st

Our Boot Camper of the Day is Miss Michelle once again....seriously pushing herself and not one complaint ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Burn Baby Burn- Boot Camp Home Workout

20-Minute Boot Camp Core and Cardio Home Workout

This is a great pre-splurge meal workout. Give it a try and post your scores in the comments section. You will need a Gymboss to time your intervals. Be sure to count your reps and write your scores.

Warm Up- 5 Minutes
Set your timer for 2 intervals- you will work for 20 seconds and transition for 10 seconds. This is called a Tabata interval. You will repeat for 8 rounds (4 minutes). You will do four Tabata intervals using 2 exercise for each Tabata. You will alternate exercises each round. Rest for 1 minute then start all over again with the next superset (pair of exercises).

Superset #1:
Jump Squats

Superset #2:
Mountain Climbers
Alternating Side Kicks

Superset #3:
Plank Jacks
Tuck Jumps

Superset #4:
Repeat Superset #1

100 Windshield Wipers
Do these as quickly as possible. Time yourself.
Windshield Wipers: Start at the top of a pushup position with your abs and glutes tight. Move your right hand to the right and follow with your left hand. Move your left hand to the left and follow with your right.

Here are my scores:
Superset #1:
Inchworms : 5,5,5,5
Jump Squats : 19,19,20,20

Superset #2:
Mountain Climbers :28, 27, 26, 26
Alternating Side Kicks :12, 12, 12, 12
(left and right counts for 1- not one each left and right)

Superset #3:
Plank Jacks: 15, 15, 13, 15
Tuck Jumps : 10, 10, 10, 10

Superset #4:
Inchworms : 5,5,4,4
Jump Squats : 20,20,20,20

FINISHER: 1 minute, 18 seconds

My shoulders were burning like crazy and yes there were lots of animal sounds. Give it a try!

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Friday, February 18th

Congrats Chantell Lacy! Great workout today. Awesome intensity on the stationary running. Way to go!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, February 17th

Nice job Shelley Pierson! Shelley's determination to complete the workout in spite of it's difficulty was outstanding!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, February 17th

Congrats Kalpana Kelkar, Jaime Fechter, Andrea Halovach, Karen Roberts
bcod: All of them! This morning's workout was unbelievable. Each lady gave extreme effort on a really hard workout. They pushed the limit in this workout and encouraged each other to do the same. Top performances by all this morning!

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, February 16th

Nice job Monica Dunlap! Monica killed our ascending and descending ladder workout while executing great form with level 3 variations for each of 8 rounds. Very impressive... especially after a metabolic cardio workout with the Jean Drop Challenge group the day before. Way to get it done!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Tuesday, February 15th

Way to go Andrea Halovach! She upgraded to 10lb dumbbells and rocked the workout! Awesome job!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 14th

Congrats Karen McConnell & Lynn McCoy! Karen gave awesome intensity with stellar form on a really tough workout. Lynn is getting stronger and more confident in her ability with every workout.

Way to kill those single leg deadlifts!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The 4 Factor Program for Successful Body Transformation

The Ideal Body Transformation Program - 4 Critical Components

If you are a woman itching to get into your skinny jeans, tanks and tees, or even a bikini but unwanted fat is standing in your way, it’s time you discover how to build or recognize the ideal body transformation program that will help you drop fat fast.

The first factor in building or identifying your ideal program is enjoyment. You must enjoy your program on some level to ensure that you will stick with it long enough to reap results. Also your schedule and lifestyle are extremely important. Consider the amount of time you have to exercise and type of equipment you have access to in order to determine which workout program is right for you. If you find your program enjoyable and you have the time it takes to complete the fat burning, body sculpting workouts in your fat loss program, you are on the road to success.

There are 3 other components that any fat loss program must have to maximize your fitness results: resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, and flexibility / relaxation exercises.

Resistance training builds strong muscles and bones. Why should you want to build muscle if your overall goal is to drop fat? Building muscle will help will increase your metabolism (the amount of calories your burn each day) - making sustained fast fat loss a true possibility for you. An increased metabolism will help you burn more calories when you are not exercising (for instance while you are reading this article) and help you to banish unwanted fat in record time. You don’t have to build big, bulky muscles to enjoy the extra fat loss results. Simply exercising to maintain and slightly enhance the muscle you already have will be enough to accelerate your fat loss. Resistance training includes exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, and planks. It is important that you use enough resistance to challenge your muscles. Using super light weights and tons of repetitions will not optimize your fat loss or increase muscle tone. It is ideal to resistance train three times per week (you can start with twice per week if you are a novice) and to allow at least 24 hours of recovery between sessions training the same muscles.

Cardiovascular conditioning (such as running, swimming, biking, or aerobics) is ideal for strengthening your heart and lungs and the prevention and management of many lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Since losing fat and getting into better overall shape is your goal, do interval cardio 2-3 times per week. Interval training is done by intermixing bouts of hard work with bouts of relatively easy, "recovery" work. An example would be to run or jog for 1 minute then immediately walk for 2 minutes and repeat. Interval training causes your body to continue to burn calories even after your exercise session at a much higher rate than traditional steady state cardio such as going for a walk would. This increased post exercise calorie burn is guaranteed to accelerate your fat loss results and help you banish belly fat fast.

Flexibility exercise (such as stretching and foam rolling) helps maintain normal movement patterns and reduce risk for injury. It is ideal to stretch the muscles groups worked after each session and to pay close attention to muscle groups that are very tight. Muscles that are tight do not contract optimally and thereby rob you of some of your fat burning potential when you exercise. Relaxation exercise (such as restorative yoga or meditation) can increase calm and awareness which helps to regulate and balance fat burning hormones and to create a healthier, happier you.

But can't I just walk or do cardio to lose weight and then start all of the other components? You have many options in how you approach your program but the goal of this article is to help you identify the ideal approach. Doing hours of cardio while neglecting strength training will inevitably set you up for a few undesirable results which include: creating a smaller, "squishy" version of the body you have now, decreasing your metabolism by burning up precious muscle tissue (this makes keeping the weight off or continuing to lose weight harder), or causing overuse injuries by doing high repetitions of the same movements (i.e. hours on the elliptical or treadmill) without strengthing the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that are involved. Now that you know what is ideal, don't settle for less. Search for fun methods of getting your strength, interval, and flexibility training done and enjoy the journey.

To get free body transformation resources including free fitness reports and a nutrition crash course, subscribe to the Great Shape Fit Club newsletter at .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 14th

Congrats Nichole Bentley! Girl's not playing around... intense, heavy weights, focused and getting it done!
Very Nice!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Friday, February 11th

Way to go Michelle Traw! Your focus and determination were excellent today! Keep it up!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, February 10th

Congrats Karen McConnell! For it being her first workout, she had outstanding form and was determined to perform each exercise for the entirety of each time challenge.

Nice job!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, February 10th

Congrats Kalpana Kelkar! Kalpana killed workout B. She was really impressive with her DB swing form and Corkscrew pushups. Way to go!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, February 9th

Yes, even in sleet and low, low temperatures we still had 4 ladies make it to Fit Club this morning!

Our Boot Camper of the Day is Randee Ward for really pushing herself on level 3 for all exercises! Congrats

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Tuesday, February 8th

Nice job Chandra Linquist for taking the challenge and using the 20lb kettlebell for the entire workout.

Shout out to Kalpana for stepping it up and getting 10lb dumbells. She'll be cranking out entire workouts with those before we know it. Great energy today from everyone!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 7th

Kudos Felicia Abdullah! Felicia gave a super intense effort on a really hard workout. She was talking trash the whole way through... "are you serious?" but hey whatever gets you through. Great job Felicia!

Self Sabotage - Stop and Finally Achieve Body Transformation Success

Secret Self Sabotage Behaviors- Part II
Stop These Behaviors to Get Fit Faster

In Part I of this article, we explored three self sabotage behaviors that can keep even the most devout fitness enthusiast from reaching her body transformation goals. In this article, we will explore three other behaviors that can take away your chances at your dream body.

Sabotage Behavior #4: Between Meal Snacking

The Problem: Eating small, frequent meals is not synonymous with a license to graze all day. Eating a few veggie chips, a spoonful of peanut butter, or a small piece of chocolate between your meals will add up over time and can be just enough to slow your progress or keep you away from your goal entirely. Even if you aren’t consuming enough calories with your between meal snacking habit to derail your progress, you are gaining a habit that could easily become detrimental to your success in the future if your portions grow or you begin to select foods that are higher in calories, sugar and fat.

The Solution: Find an activity to occupy your mind and your hands between meals. After all, if you are following the Great Shape nutrition guidelines, you are eating every 2-4 hours already. If you need to release some pent up energy, do a quick 4-minute exercise routine. Stressed? Try a few yoga poses to release the tension. Need a quick crunch fix to get through a tedious report? Try raw vegetables. If your stomach feels empty but it isn’t yet time to eat, sip on a hot cup of green tea. Either option you choose, you are adding something that will help you reach your goal instead of something that can potentially slow down your progress.

Sabotage Behavior #5: Having an “It Won’t Hurt” Mentality

The Problem:
Anything you do or eat is either helping you achieve your goal or taking you away from your goal. Believing that certain unsupportive habits “won’t hurt” will keep you on the chase- running after your goal without ever achieving it.

The Solution: Realize that the game of transforming your body is not won with one monumental choice or action but rather with the culmination of small, daily choices. Enough missed workouts or overindulgences will add up to keep you away from your goal. Begin to ask yourself, “Will this help?” If the answer is no, then it really will hurt in the long run. Accepting that choices that are not helping you achieve your goal really are taking you away from your goal will keep you from sabotaging your best efforts at a healthy, fit body.

Sabotage Behavior #6: Refusing to Give Up Trigger Foods

The Problem:
Trigger foods are foods that you are seldom successful at controlling the amount you consume and that serve as a gateway to overindulge in other non supportive foods. Leaving these foods in your diet (even in your splurge meals) while you are actively trying to transform your body sets you up for failure. You often eat more than you intended to eat and find yourself “starting over” after every overindulgence. This sometimes happens weekly over even more frequently. This keeps you away from your goal. Common trigger foods are chips, trail mix, wine, and chocolate.

The Solution: Become aware of what your trigger foods are and then avoid them.
As long as you are trying to transform your body, trigger foods have no place in your nutrition – not even in your splurge meals. Once you have attained your goal, you can experiment with learning to control your consumption of these foods by incorporating them into a splurge and monitoring how you react to them. You may find that the excitement of having attained your dream body gives you new found discipline with these foods but if that is not the case, reserve these treats for special occasions a couple of times per year.

To get free body transformation resources including free fitness reports and a nutrition crash course, subscribe to the Great Shape Fit Club newsletter at .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, February 7th

Congrats Michelle Traw for being our Boot Camper of the Day! She pushed herself harder than I've seen her push herself in a long time...was GREAT to see!!!

Keep it up Michelle....that's the way to get results!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Food Prep for Body Transformation Success - A Video

Check out this quick food prep video to see what it really takes to be prepared for successful body transformation. The work is quick and simple. It takes discipline to do it week in and week out but if you do, your body will thank you!

Food Prep Video

For free body transformation resources including my free reports, “3 Reasons Fitness Programs Fail, Is This Happening to You?”, “Top 5 Fat Burning Boot Camp Exercises”, and a three part Nutrition Crash Course, subscribe to my newsletter at