Thursday, December 11, 2008

Boot Camp Style Training for Women Registration Begins December 15th for Coppell, TX and Lewisville,TX

Great Shape Fit Club- The Boutique Boot Camp for Women will kick off registration for "Resolution Promises Kept" session on December 15th, 2008. The Coppell, TX group will begin class on Monday, January 5th. The Lewisville, TX group will begin class on Tuesday, January 6th.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR SITE on December 15th to view our 2009 class schedule and reserve your spot for the January session!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why You Must Eat to Lose

So today I was speaking with a member of my Fit Club who casually mentioned that she is literally "wiped out" after her workouts. Now in Fit Club we work really hard- you have to to produce get great results and to build a body that you can be proud of BUT feeling "wiped out" is not the goal. As a matter of fact, so many of my clients report having more energy, sleeping better, and shedding pounds after joining Fit Club that her casual observation about feeling "wiped out" caused me to react with great surprise and concern. It only took a few short questions to find out what was behind her "wiped out" feeling. And as it goes with fitness and fat loss, if you are making the same mistake that she was, you are not only robbing yourself of energy and alertness but you are sabotaging your fat loss efforts too!

Turns out my "wiped out" client was skipping her post-workout nutrition- and a few other meals too because like so many of you she is a busy lady on the go. Here are the top 3 reasons why you must eat in order to effectively lose fat.

1. If you don't eat wholesome food at regular intervals (every 2-3 hours), your body will store instead of burn. That's right your body will hold on to every morsel that goes into your mouth since it has no idea when the next "famine" (long hours without food) will be. This explains why meal skipping, fasting, and super low calorie diets don't work for effective fat loss.

2. If you don't eat very soon after your workouts (45 minutes - 1 hour max), you will miss the opportunity to maximally replenish your depleted muscles. Failing to properly replenish your muscles slows down your recovery, can leave you feeling drained, and prohibits you from getting the most out of your next workout... that is if you even have enough energy to show up for your next workout.

3. The process of digestion actually BURNS CALORIES. So each time you eat, you get a little metabolic boost that helps you burn fat, preserve muscle, and get into your skinny jeans, tanks, and tees that much faster.

So remember if you want to lose fat and have energy to spare, you must eat up... wholesome food that is!

To learn more about what to eat and when to eat, join us for our next session of Great Shape Fit Club. We'll be starting January 5th and we want to see YOU there.

Call today 214-257-0146 or register online at