Monday, August 3, 2009

Boot Camp Circuit Workout for Weight Loss

We talked about the reasons why circuit training was the optimal way to train to lose weight fast. We even talked about the best way to build a boot camp style circuit for fat loss. Today I'm sharing a video of this morning's boot camp workout in Coppell. Here are the ladies of Great Shape Fit Club doing a rocking 5-exercise, fat burning, boot camp circuit.

If you missed the post on why circuit training is such an effective way to train for weight loss, click this link to read that post: BOOT CAMP STYLE CIRCUIT TRAINING FOR WEIGHT LOSS

Here's the circuit:
Exercise #1: Wide Squats
Exercise #2: Push Ups
Exercise #3: Stationary Lunges
Exercise #4: Bent Over Cobras
Exercise #5: Spiderman Climbs

Each exercise in the circuit is done for 50 seconds followed by 10 seconds setting up for the next exercise. Do 1-4 rounds for a 5-20 minute boot camp circuit workout for fat loss. We did 4 rounds this morning.
