Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today's Fit Clubbers of the Day, Wed, 9/26

Wednesday – 9/26/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubbers of the Day are Mona and Nancy.  Mona is only in her second week back and digging into those workouts like a champ. Excellent work this morning, especially embracing those surrenders. Nancy continues to bring so much energy to the group and today was no different. Thanks for pumping up the group during one of the most grueling parts of the workout... push up walks. Keep rocking Nancy!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the day is Maria.  She earned every bit of today’s title by completing the most full rounds in the challenge workout. Great job Maria!! Shout-outs to the entire group – Daryl, Kalpana, Maria, and Rochelle --  for doing squat jumps the entire workout and T pushups.

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day is Sondra!!  She did an awesome job this morning. Way to push past the talk in your head and make a great workout happen under less than stellar conditions. You rock!

MMT – Coppell 9:30am
Mommy Makeover Trainees of the Day are Nora and Andrea!!  You guys embraced the Over the Bridge and Through the Mountains challenge and managed to have a ton of fun while doing it. Keep up the good work ladies!

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Monday, 9/24

Monday – 9/24/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubbers of the Day went to AD and Shioneia!!  AD was like a machine!!!! Focus, focus, focus!!!!!  She wasn't letting anything deter her!!!  Shioneia had phenomenal form and didn't sacrifice it once for speed!!!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day went to Kalpana!  She did box squats (all the way to the box) with 30lbs and increased her speed on spiderman climbs!! Woohoo!

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Katherine...this was my first time working with her, and she pushed herself, what a trooper!!!

MMT – Coppell 9:30am
Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day was Andrea!!  Congrats!  Your tenacity and attack on Monday’s workout was impressive...especially your determination to get that last round of the conditioning circuit. Good job girl!

Coppell 6:30pm
Fit Clubbers of the Day were Nikki and Ginna!!  They rocked the challenge workout and even pushed it extra hard in the crazy finisher.  Go Ladies!!

Fit Clubbers of the Day for the week of 9/17-9/21

Monday – 9/17/12

Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Pamela!  She had an awesome progression including several level progressions. The highlight of her workout Monday was using the 20s for her offset deadlifts. Way to go Pamela... you are well on your way!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day was shared Monday by Daryl, for fighting so hard on v-sit-stir the pot and Maria, for the fastest pace on spiderman climbs. Lots of great things from these ladies this Monday!

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Evelyn!  Her workout Monday was the perfect combination of everything we preach regarding the workout. Great job using challenging weight, attacking the movement with intention, and being overall hardcore. Awesome work!

MMT – Coppell 9:30am
Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day was Cathy!  She had an awesome workout Monday which included stellar focus at each station, increased challenge on the suspension rows, her first go at training without shoes, AND reclaiming her consistency with attendance. You are back in the saddle girlie!

Coppell 6:30pm
Fit Clubber of the Day goes to the entire group.   Nikki, Stephanie, Sheila, Aleya, Michelle, Jennifer, Andrea, Jennifer, Janisha, Angela, and Tricia were so intense and focused.  I could not pick just one FCOD Monday. Good work ladies!


Tuesday – 9/17/12
Crazy Conditioning 5:30am
Shout-outs to Brenda, Michelle, and Maria!!  These ladies were so encouraging to each other Tuesday morning!!! Since there were only three and we had an I-go-You-go, they decided (on their own) to rotate who would go alone!!! I was soooo proud!!! And when the two got done with their core work and the conditioning person still had 30 seconds, they were cheering her on!!!!

Wednesday – 9/19/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Tiffany.  She pushed it hard and in doing so pushed Stephanie!!!  Stephanie came in late, and Tiffany walked her through each station :)

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Emily. She increased to 10lb db's on single arm chest press and arm carries with lunges and the orange band on squat pull aparts. This girl did an amazing job Wednesday morning!

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Miss Cinnamon!!! 25s for the dumbbell walks and was getting low, low on single leg squats!!!

MMT – Coppell 9:30am
Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day was Nora.  She has grown so much in her weeks here and Wednesday was a display of her confidence with attacking the workouts. Way to attack the squat, climb, lunge finisher Nora. You did great!


Thursday – 9/20/12
Coppell 6:30pm
Fit Clubber of the Day went to the entire group!!  Tricia, Ginna, Nikki, Swati, Melissa, and Jennifer... Congrats on being the first group to ROCK the challenge workouts!!


Friday – 9/21/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubber of the Day went to the entire group – Michelle, Nancy, Lydia, Carolyn, Brenda, A.D., Randee, Donna, Natasha, Tara, Mona, and Shioneia!!  They kissed the TWO BY TEN MADNESS CIRCUIT goodbye with style. Awesome energy ladies!

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day went to the entire group – Cinnamon, Tara B, Sondra, Kim, Swati, and Katherine!!  It must be something in the air today... they kissed the TWO BY TEN MADNESS CIRCUIT goodbye with style. Awesome energy ladies!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for this Week -- 9/10-9/14

Monday -- 9/10/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Erika!!  She helped Jada through the circuits reminding her to squeeze the muscle they were working and to keep her core tight.  Great to see!!  And, she rocked out her own stuff in the process!!!!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Daryl for doing decline pushups for the first time and increasing her weight on d.b. swings. 
Shout out also to Kalpana for her dedication even while training for the 3 day walk...she walked 15 miles on Saturday, 5 miles on Sunday and still came to Fit Club and gave 100%!

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Miss Cinnamon!!! Her body was REALLY angled on the rear delt rows and she went low, low, low on the box squats!!!

MMT – Coppell 9:15am
Mommy Make-over Trainee of the day was Andrea.  She has made awesome progress and really rocked today’s circuit!!

Fit Clubber of the Day was Evelyn!  She had a strong comeback Monday night.  On her first night back, she had awesome intensity.  Way to work Evelyn!

Wednesday -- 9/12/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Tiffany!!  She rocked the workout including going to level 3 suspension split squat jumps WITHOUT BEING ASKED. Awesome way to own your workout...keep it up!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Rochelle!  She is our star today for level 3 arm carries with lunges and 10lb d.b.s.

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Sangeeta!!  You are improving with each workout.  Your confidence and intensity today was remarkable.  Awesome job!

MMT – Coppell 9:15am
Mommy Make-over Trainees of the Day were Sara, Andrea, Nora, and Cathy!!  You guys each attacked the workout with such fierce confidence and finished well.  You made it hard to pick just one MMT.  Nice job ladies!

Thursday -- 9/13/12
Fit Clubber of the Day was Jennifer!  Your strength and endurance has improved so much in so little time.  Keep up the consistency and the results will continue to come.  Awesome work!

Friday -- 9/14/12
Coppell 5:20am
Fit Clubbers of the Day were Michelle & Brenda!!  You guys both rocked the workout Friday morning and finished strong even AFTER doing your 50 burpee fitness challenge.  Way to be strong physically and mentally girls.  You rock!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Rochelle.  She had the title clenched Friday morning for doing push presses with 15lb d.b.s until this fabulous four committed to the burpee finisher and Maria went on the attack and did 40 in 3 minutes!!  Great job ladies.  Sheila, Daryl and Rochelle also rocked level 3 T-pushups.

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the Day was Catherine!  You did so well today.  Your progressions on the one arm push press and side plank chest press were impressive and your intensity through the entire workout was great!  Way to go!

Biggby Event -- Coffee & Converstions -- Ask the Trainer

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Coppell & Highland Village, Friday 9/7/12

Coppell 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the Day goes to Natasha!  She was laser focused today and kept her intensity up.  Congrats on the 15lb single arm push presses.  You rock!

Highland Village 5:30am
Fit Clubber of the day was earned by Daryl for significant improvement on band pull aparts. 
Shout outs also to Sheila for 15lb weights on push press, and Emily for increasing her range of motion on Bulgarian split squats

Coppell 6:15am
Fit Clubber of the day was Cinammon!  Awesome intensity today.  Especially good effort on the burpee challenge at the end of the session today!

Fit Clubber of the Day for Coppell Evening Session, 9/6/12


Fit Clubber of the Day was Jennifer!!  She came back with focus and intention last night.  Awesome effort.  Way to work it on every single station!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Coppell, Wed 9/5/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day today was Megan!!  Coming back from time off can be hard, but Megan came back with heart and had an awesome workout.

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day today was Kim!!  Getting back on the wagon can be hard, but Kim rocked it this morning with amazing focus and intensity.

MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Mommy Make-over Trainee of the day was Sara!!  Her fitness has improved by leaps and bounds.  Her overhead walking lunges were impressive!! J