Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Personal Trainer RANT on Accountability for Successful Body Transformation

I have not done a rant post in a long time but I am posting this one today.  Body transformation is hard.  Even if you know exactly what to do, it is still hard.  Even if you have done it successfully in the past... IT IS STILL HARD.  Now if you have NEVER EVER done it successfully before...IT IS EVEN HARDER and you are going to NEED SUPPORT...Period.  I don't mean the once a week tell your trainer how your week went support.  I mean the angel on your shoulder yelling at you to "step away from the cookie" or the friendly fitness pal on the other shoulder who says "nuts are healthy but come on lady you KNOW 5 handfuls is not a serving size" type of support- DAILY ACCOUNTABILITY (sometimes multiple times per day).

Although transformation can be boiled down to these simple instructions...eat produce, protein, and healthy fats, avoid processed foods, eat when you are hungry but don't eat past being satisfied, drink plenty of water and do high intensity exercise 4-6 days per week- doing all of those things EVERY SINGLE DAY is still challenging.  I have been writing to my members weekly and sharing the top habits of successful body transformation members and this week's habit is....


I have suggested this in the past during transformation challenges, to some members individually and have participated in daily accountability personally to hit certain fitness goals or to get "back on the wagon" after some time having a little too much fun with splurge foods.  Over time I have come to know that look in a member's eye that says, "Yea right. So typing in a little group each day is going to change my body.  OK coach!".  Then come the excuses or the downright non compliance followed by the "oh I forgot" when I inquire about why they aren't doing it. So today I am sharing


WARNING: If you are sensitive, get offended easily, or often believe that someone is talking specifically about you when addressing a group...PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.  I promise you that you will find at least one of these excuses that fit you and if you have ever told me one of them, you may believe that you are the only one who has and that this post is calling you out.  IT IS NOT!  Remember I have transformed my body as well (multiple times) and participated in various forms of daily accountability (text buddies, virtual workout partners, fitness chat groups, etc) and some of these excuses have come from my own mouth.  So if you can keep that in mind and find the humor and inspiration to change in this post (laughing at yourself is good medicine)...READ ON.  If not...CLOSE YOUR BROWSER NOW!

Member Says  
I don’t have time to check in DAILY with anyone.

Coach Hears
I don’t think having accountability will help and I am not willing to add that to my long list of to do’s but I like you too much to tell you that I don't think it will work so I will humor you and tell you I don't have the time and wish I did have the time to do it...ah if only I had the time. 


I am not really ready to change my habits so there is no way I am posting every day so that you can see blow by blow how I am bastardizing the plan you gave me.  


I don't want to take MY time to do something that will help me get results BUT I will make the time to tell you often how I would really like faster results AND I completely expect YOU to take time to write me a different plan because I KNOW that the workout is the problem and not my lack of compliance with the plan...even though I know I am NOT complying with the plan. Oh and by the way... I won't be complying with the new plan either if you do take the time to create it.  I knew you would understand... you are a great coach.  Thanks!

Make the time to follow your plan.  Getting accountability is part of the plan so do it.

Member Says
I don’t understand how to/want to use chat groups, Facebook, and such.
Coach Hears
Getting this accountability and better results is not important enough to me to spend 10-30 minutes to acquire a new skill.

Do it anyway.  You can learn how to check in on an online group faster than it takes you to try to figure out why you aren't getting results.  An added bonus is when you learn how, you won’t have to invest that time ever again.

Member Says
I get so busy that I forget to check in.You should send like a reminder text or something so that I can remember to check in.

Coach Hears  
This is not a part of my daily routine and I am having difficulty doing it but rather than schedule it like I do all of the other things in life I am busy doing, I would like you to take that responsibility for me so that if YOU forget to text me to remind me to do MY daily check in...it won't be my fault.

Schedule it like anything else that is important to you.  Do it at the same time long enough and you won’t have to schedule it…just like brushing your teeth, it will be a habit.

Member Says  
I am a private person and I don’t want everyone reading about my journey.

Coach Hears
I am afraid to fail in front of others and I think my struggles are unique to me which is why I have isolated myself and make it significantly harder for me to reach my goals.

Do it anyway.  You don’t have to tell all the vivid details of your personal life to get support on your fitness journey.  You will be surprised how many people have the same struggles that you have and you will be informed and inspired as you learn how other people successfully deal with the same issues. 

So the moral of the story is ...get daily accountability to dramatically improve your mindset and your results.  If you saw yourself in any of these "member says" statements (I know I did), fix it.  If you are a member of Fit Club, you can get daily accountability by participating in our private Facebook group.  If not, there are many online fitness forums where you can get daily support from people on a mission to optimize their personal health and fitness.  

Xtreme Drills & Skills Training Series Returns

Come join the ladies of Team FITsanity and prepare for your first obstacle course challenge or get in better shape to improve your performance in these events.  We will begin prep for the 5K Foam Fest Obstacle Challenge on September 8th.  Come train with a dynamic group of ladies and get in obstacle racing condition with us!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jean Drop Challenge RETURNS!

Our most popular body transformation challenge is back and better than ever!

Great Shape Fit Club Private Training Studio for Women announces....

The Jean Drop Challenge

The wildly popular Jean Drop Challenge is back with a twist. Drop up to two jean sizes in eight weeks with our limited time group training option. If you have let the lazy days of summer get too lazy and need to get yourself back in shape to fit the jeans in your closet in time for fall, been skipping your workouts (or just going through the motions), need more accountability with your nutrition, or just need an excuse to get laser focused long enough to get some serious results, this program may be for you! We will combine tough group training strength training workouts with the crazy cardio conditioning of the original Jean Drop Challenge training program to give you an unaparalleled experience guaranteed to get you in your skinny jeans in time for football games and holiday celebrations this fall.  We are also adding Zumba and our Fit Club exclusive foam rolling and relaxation class (so new we haven't even named it yet) to keep you laughing, smiling, and pain free.  

What is included?
Weekly group training sessions
Weekly conditioning session
Weekly Zumba and stretch classes
Nutrition Seminar
Daily Nutrition Accountability & Support
Private Facebook chat group for challengers only
Bi-Weekly "Challenges Within the Challenge" to keep you laser-focused and motivated
Celebratory Jean Shopping Trip
Results, Skills, and Empowerment to achieve any other goals you have in life

Where do we train?The Fit Club training studio- 773 S. MacArthur Blvd, Suite #215, Coppell.  Weekly group training sessions also held at Excite Gym in Highland Village on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:30am.

When do we start?Our kickoff meeting and nutrition seminar will be on Wednesday, September 12th, 6:30pm.  The challenge runs from September 17th through November 10th.  Our shopping trip will be Friday, November 17th, at 6:30pm.

What is my investment?Two weekly training sessions with a fitness professional, a weekly coached conditioning session, weekly Zumba classes and stretch classes as well as the constant accountability built into this program could easily cost over $1500 for eight weeks. However, I have no desire for you to pay $1500. Since you will train with a group and I am motivated to take a group of action takers on this journey to inspire and motivate other women to achieve the same thing, I am offering this program for only $398 (this will include your classes, nutrition plan, and weekly accountability and feedback). If dropping your jean size and finally taking back control of your body and your life is a priority for you, then you can't afford to miss this opportunity.  



Dead Serious About Results Deadline (September 3rd): Register by the end of our Labor Day Super Workout (September 3rd) and receive $100 off.

Determined to Get in Shape This Time Deadline (September 9th): Register by Grandparent's Day (September 9th) and receive $50 off.

MY GUARANTEE: I promise that if you follow this program, you will see results. I am so confident in this program that if your jeans don't fit better after following the ENTIRE program, I will give you your money back. I know that if you give it your all, you will get results. All it takes is your best effort.

Fit Club Studio Fall Schedule

Here's the Fit Club Studio schedule that will be effective beginning September 3rd.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's Fit Clubbers -- Friday, 8/24/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day goes to the entire group…. Tiffany, Natasha, Swati, Stephanie, Carolyn, Joanna, Randee, and Michelle!!  The energy was crazy - especially for the running toe taps and squat jump finisher.  Way to work ladies.

Highland Village 5:30am

Fit Clubbers of the Day are Jaime, Maria, Andrea, Emily, and Kari!!  These ladies kicked booty in today's challenge workout.  Andrea, Kari, Jaime and Maria did decline pushups on the stability ball and burpees with tuck jumps.  Emily definitely increased her ROM on pushups with her feet on the floor, and she and Maria's determination to hold their planks for the entire 60 seconds was inspiring.  Way to push hard and give it your all ladies!!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubbers of the Day are Sondra, Tara, and Cinnamon!! You guys rocked the PLUS ONE challenge workout and pushed hard until the very end.

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Thursday, 8/23/12

MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Mommy Make-over Trainee of the Day was Sara!  She rocked the entire workout and shocked HERSELF with her decline push ups...ON A CHALLENGE WORKOUT.  Way to go.  We knew you had it in you!


Fit Clubber of the Day went to Ginna, Nikki, Tricia, Angela, Renee, and Melissa!! All of the ladies rocked the 773 Challenge Workout.  You guys pushed yourselves and each other and absolutely rocked the workout!

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Wednesday, 8/22/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day was Amanda!!  You rocked those decline push ups Wednesday and had intensity for the entire workout.  You have grown so much in your ability to attack the workouts and make them your own.  Way to push!

Highland Village 5:30am

Maria definitely earned the Fit Clubber of the Day title Wednesday.  She upgraded to 15lb d.b.s and did an awesome job using them in the workout…. even when the going got real tough like, on the bent over rear delt rows for 60 seconds! 

Shout-outs to Jaime and Kari for level 3 negative push ups; Amy for increasing her ROM on negative pushups; and Trish for fantastic form on rear delt rows!  Lots of energy and determination from everyone Wednesday morning….. it was awesome to see!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day was Sondra!! Way to keep focused and destroy obstacles.  Your willingness to work around your knee issue while maintaining focus and intensity is admirable.  You did great!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Monday, 8/20/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubbers of the Day were Nova and Charae!!  They came back with fantastic form and focus!!! They didn't forget a thing while they were gone!!!! Happy to see them back :)

Highland Village 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day was earned by Trish for moving up to slider body saw from a plank hold and using 10lb d.b.s for bent over underhand rows.  Shout outs also to Emily for adding weight to step ups, and Kari for single leg plank ups and killin' the strength portion with 10lbs on nearly everything.

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day was Tara!!   Miss Tara rocked it out today!!! She pushed through the shoulder presses and planks with determination!!!! I see a cut forming between her delt and tricep!!!

MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day was Sara!!  She did an awesome job embracing every progression I threw her way.  Those sumo squat jumps were amazing.  Way to go Sara!


Fit Clubbers of the Day were Tricia, Nikki, Ginna, and Jen!!  They rocked the workout with major intensity including challenging each other to push-ups DURING the final cardio finisher.  Way to go ladies.  Great spirit!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Coppell and Highland Village, 8/17/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Joanna!!  Her first week and she did fantastic!!! She listened as I gave her form corrections and then implemented them. She was sweating and pushing herself, and her planks were spot on!!!!

Special shut-outs to Stephanie and Gabrelle for keeping the mood upbeat and dancing during their working recoveries!!

Highland Village 5:30am

Fit Clubbers of the Day are Daryle, Jaime, Nicole, Michelle, Christie, and Emily!!!

All of these ladies deserve FCOD.  Everyone had lots of energy and gave it their all.  Emily had great form and had no fear grabbing that 10lb d.b. for supinating rows in her first Fit Club workout. Nicole used 15lbs for rows, and she, Jaime, and Daryle had awesome level 3 pushup reachouts. Michelle increased her ROM on single leg DLs, and Christie made form improvements on her squats that enabled her to increase her ROM.

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Bianca with her impeccable form!!! Her back was soooo flat during deadlifts.  Way to go!

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Thursday's Coppell Evening Session, 8/16/12


Fit Clubbers of the Day are Ginna, Tricia, Nadia, Renee, and Anabelle!!

Everyone ROCKED the surprise challenge workout!  Way to go Ladies!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day, Coppell 8/16/12

Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day is Andrea!!  She discovered her barefoot magic today.  Awesome form on the lunges and great intensity.  Way to embrace the barefoot training.  Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Coppell, 8/15/12

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day goes to Joanna!  She has jumped right in and taken ownership of her workouts. She had awesome focus and concentration the entire workout today and nice determination on the conditioning drill.  Way to go Joanna!!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Cinammon!!  She continues to work hard and bring focus to each workout. Today's progression on the 551 split lunges was remarkable. Keep up the good work!

Fit Clubber of the Day for Highland Village, 8/15/12

Highland Village 5:30am

Trish earned Fit Clubber of the Day for using 10lbs on level 3 goblet squats.  She has great form and maximized the 60 seconds for each exercise.  Fantastic!  Shout outs to Kari for again, increasing her weights (20lbs for level 3 goblet squats), orange band for push presses, and level 3 negative pushups and Kalpana for increasing her intensity on push presses with the orange band as well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day for Monday's Coppell PM Class, 8/13/12


Fit Clubbers of the Day were Renee and Nadia!!   Nadia, you are growing in confidence and performance with each workout.  Tonight you rocked it with quite a few promotions to level 2.  Way to go!  Renee, you kept your focus and determination throughout the entire workout.  It is always hard coming back off of a break but you did it in style.  Good work!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fit Clubber of the Day for Highland Village, 8/13/12


Highland Village 5:30am

Kari earns Fit Clubber of the Day for increasing her weight for all of the strength exercises in the workout (she did 10's for everything) and for doing single leg plank ups. Great job Kari!  Lots of ladies increasing weights to 8's or 10's for the first time today...Nicole, Michelle.  Shout outs also to Trish for doing an outstanding job her first workout, she was partnered with Nicole and kept up with her; same with Rhadika keeping up with long time veteran and sister Kalpana.

Coppell Fit Cluber of the Day, Monday 8/13/12


Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Miss Gabrelle.  She was such a team player today!!! Cheering her newbie partner Joanne on with lots of positive feedback and encouragement and going up a level on her planks!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Coppell Fit Clubbers of the Day!!


Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Randee!!  She rocked the burpee challenge and did every burpee variation...way to go on the burpee box jumps!!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubbers of the Day are Cinnamon and Kim!! They rocked the burpee challenge. Way to hang in there until the end.

Highland Village Fit Clubber of the Day

Highland Village 5:30am 8/10/12

Fit Clubber of the Day goes to Andrea Holovach!!  What an awesome job she did this morning.  She doubled up on weights on nearly everything and did pushups for the entire 60 seconds all three rounds and held her planks for the entire time all four rounds sometimes on a single leg.

Fit Clubber and Mommy Makeover Trainee of the Day for Thurs, 8/9


MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Mommy Makeover Trainees of the Day are Cathy & Sara!!  Awesome focus and way to work through a tough workout...especially all those isometric holds.  Good work girls!


Fit Clubber of the Day is Nadia!!  She is consistent and persistent.  No matter how hard the workout is, she gives it her best effort and keeps coming back for more.  That is the way to get better.  Great work Nadia!

Fit Clubber of the Day, Wed 8/8/12

Wednesday, 8/8/12

Coppell 5:30am

Our Fit Clubber of the Day is Amanda Ortega!!  She was on a mission this morning.  She was quiet but fierce and attacked each move with precision and intensity...even when I offered to help make sure she got her full 5-count hold on lunges today.  Way to go Amanda!!

Highland Village 5:30am

The Fit Clubber of the Day goes to Kalpana for decline negative pushups on the stability ball!  Shout outs to Maria, Kari and Ube for stepping it up to level 2 negative pushups, and Andrea for level 2 negative pushups and seal jacks with a deep squat in the finisher!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Jennifer Killam.  She returned after a little Fit Club hiatus, and fully embraced the burn.  She fought through each challenge and OWNED her workout this morning.  Way to jump back in the mix and stared down the challenge Jennifer!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fit Clubber of the Day - Coppell Location

Coppell Location Fit Clubber of the Day - Monday Evening Training Group

Ginna, Anabell, Nikki, Nadia, Tricia, Jenn, and Melissa ALL trained hard, focused, and pushed EACH OTHER during last night's workout.  You ladies were on fire.  Way to go all of you!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fit Club Training Studio - Women Only Gym in Coppell

First day in our new home....

First Fit Clubber through the door was....Megan Wright!
 And they kept coming...

Here's a little footage from today's training sessions.

More footage to come.  Keep up with us on our Facebook page:

Fit Clubber of the Day - Coppell & Highland Village

 Fit Clubbers of the Day - Coppell & Highland Village Training Groups

Coppell Location
Congratulations Carolyn Matthews.  You rocked out your plank ups and the body saw killer core exercise.  You fought them...they fought back...but you WON!

Tara Barnes you had perfect form on the see saw presses with strict 90 degree angles.  Way to go...and your extension on your weighted bridges was great as well.  Way to go!

Highland Village Location

FCOD goes to Andrea for coming back and knocking out slider body saws with full range of motion.
Shout outs to Kalpana for 15's on see saw press and underhand rows, Kari for using a 15lb d.b. on the squat to vertical chops and Kaela for her excellent form on rows and strong plank holds.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fit Clubbers of the Day -- Friday, 8/3

August 3, 2012

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubbers of the Day are Carolyn and Randee!! Carolyn, your planks have improved so much.  You rocked today's plank holds textbook style for every round of our strength circuit.  Great progress!  Randee your Level 3B planks.  Awesome work!

Highland Village 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day goes to the entire group.  Everyone stepped it up in some area: Sheila rocked offset squats holding both 15's in one hand, Michelle increased to 10lb db's for rows, Maria held part of her planks on her toes, and Nicole did outstanding level 3 pushup reach outs and 1-arm 1-leg planks in the finisher. Wahoo!!

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the day goes to Bianca!!  Your focus was great today and your performance on the lying leg drops was amazing!  Awesome work!

Fit Clubbers of the Day -- Thursday, 8/2

August 2, 2012

MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Andrea and Sara are our Mommy Make-over Trainees of the Day.  They both came and had an awesome workout.  Andrea’s form has improved so much in her short time of training with us.


Fit Clubbers of the Day -- Wed, 8/1

August 1, 2012

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day goes to Nancy! She is the Fit Club grandma that rocks it like a teenager.  She brought major focus and intensity to her workout today.  Congrats Nancy!

Highland Village 5:30am

Fit Clubbers of the Day go to Michelle and Christie for returning in spite of their soreness after their first fit club workouts and doing a fantastic job!  Shout out to Rochelle for her effort on pushups. You're going to master those soon lady :)

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubbers of the Day Are Cinnamon and Kim!!  Kim had great focus today and was owning her workout.  Cinnamon had so many progressions today.  She is gaining strength it seems daily and rocked the X-Band Push Presses.  Way to go ladies!

Fit Clubber of the Day -- Monday, 7/30

July 30, 2012

Coppell 5:30am

Fit Clubber of the Day is Kari...first time with us and she rocked it out with phenomenal form and intensity!!! Great way to start her journey!!!

Highland Village 5:30am

It was tough to single anyone out as Fit Clubber of the Day today.

Michelle and Christie are new to working out.  They did a fantastic job!

Ube partnered with Jaime on the I Go-You Go core and finisher and kept up with her...very impressive!

Kalpana, Jaime and Sheila pushed hard through difficult and long rounds of see-saw shoulder press, bent over reverse grip rows, and squat-curl-press with their 15's.  Nicole did an outstanding job with see-saw presses and even increased to 10lb d.b.s

Coppell 6:15am

Fit Clubber of the Day was Cinnamon!!  She went up a level on her planks without me asking and killed it!!!! She was focused and determined!!!

MMT – Coppell 9:15am

Mommy Make-over Trainee of the Day goes to Andrea!! She had a great workout on her first day back from recovery week.  Awesome focus on form today.  Keep pushing!


Fit Clubber of the Day goes to the entire group – Jennifer, Nadia, Tricia, Marsha, Ginna, and Nikki.  These ladies worked so hard on the entire workout and trash talked each other during the entire finisher.  Everyone there was working hard!  Go PM Group!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fit Club - More Training Studio Updates

This week we made more progress and we anticipate opening our studio to you this coming Monday.  So far the paint is done and the floors and some of our new training equipment has arrived.  This weekend will be the sprint to the finish...laying the floor, cleaning, decorating (the part I am most looking forward to).  Here are pictures from this week...

This place is a trainer's candy store and they are really nice as well.

The floor is here!

I am happy to stand on our mountain of flooring...especially because I will not be responsible for laying it... did I mention EACH square weighs ONE HUNDRED POUNDS?!?!

Do you wonder what is in those little boxes behind me? YOU SHOULD!  (evil laugh)