Friday, April 29, 2011

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, April 28th

Congrats Kelli Podeyn! Kelli was determined to earn the title last night by upping the intensity and going for the Level III variation on the pledge pushups. Overall, fantastic effort and workout for Kelli. Shout out also to Lynn who triumphed over the alligator crawls and Jennifer for getting her goblet squats all the way down.

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day

Thursday, April 28th

Lara & Kiran - You guys jumped right into Fit Club and hit the ground running. Congrats on your great form and intensity on a tough workout. Congrats especially on facing the alligator walks. Nice job ladies!

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, April 27th

Congrats Janis Townsend! You are a quiet soldier who is is continually bumping up her levels and gaining strength and confidence.

Keep it up!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day

Tuesday, April 26th

Congrats to everyone in class today - Jaime, Chandra, Laura, Daryl, Karen, and Sheryl!

HV AM absolutely killed the workout this morning. Everyone's intensity was off the charts. They all had excellent form and supportive, positive attitudes. They all earned BCOD today. Special shout out to Laura who performed level III for most of the exercises today and did an overall fantastic job. Thank you for joining us, we loved having you.

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, April 25th

Congrats Tricia Duhon! Way to rock the Bikini Body Burn workout. Congrats especially on facing the conditioning section of the workout with a determined spirit and for executing it beautifully.

Body Transformation Mindset - Turning on the Mental Switch for Success

Turning on the Mental Switch – Get a Body Transformation Mindset
Part II

In Part I of this article, we introduced the six critical step to take the leap from thinking about having a body transformation to actually taking the day to day steps (while dodging the obstacles that are sure to arise) to make your body transformation dream a reality. We called this six step action plan turning on the switch to create a body transformation mindset. In this part of the article, we will introduce the last three steps to get your mind to focus in on achieving your goal in a way that makes success inevitable.

Step #4: Eliminate stumbling blocks.
A stumbling block can be a trigger food (food that you have a hard time controlling the amount that you eat or that leads you to eat more unsupportive choices), a food that makes you less than eager to train, or even a habit that hinders your ability to follow your plan (such as staying up late playing on Facebook and then being too tired to make it for your morning workout). Left in place, these stumbling blocks will sabotage every attempt at improving your fitness.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: In your fitness journal (you have one right?), keep track of the times that you have dietary slip ups and miss workouts. Don’t dwell on the non-compliance but once you have a few days recorded look for a pattern. If you see the same slipup occurring repeatedly, identify the corresponding stumbling block and eliminate it. If you keep binging on sugary cereal- stop buying it or give it to a family member to hide. If you can’t stop at just two glasses of wine at designated splurge times, stop drinking it altogether. If you stay up too late watching TV, record your favorite shows and designate a time to watch them on the weekend. Take the journey seriously. Embrace the challenge and rise to the occasion. These actions may sound drastic but really how serious are you about your results

Step #5: Be willing to learn and change according to what you learn.
If you have always tried the same style of working out and the same nutrition plan and those methods have failed to give you the results you want (even if they have yielded some results), then be willing to learn what the shortfalls of your approach are and change. The help of a professional fitness coach can prove invaluable with this step. A fitness professional who has gone through a personal transformation as well as helped other people like you transform would be ideal.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: Get the help of a fitness professional to build an approach that is suitable for your goals and lifestyle. Be honest with the person helping you about what you truly want to accomplish, your motivation, and past successes and failures. Take the information that you get and APPLY IT. Shopping around for a second and third opinion and applying bits and pieces of each person’s advice will surely lead to confusion and frustration rather than results. Pick someone you trust and then apply the information that they share. If it doesn’t work and the professional implies that it is solely your level of effort that needs to change (i.e. they don’t have a plan B for you) then it is time to move on to a different professional (assuming of course that you really have followed the advice with at least 90% compliance). It’s that simple.

Step #6: Get Accountable.
Be honest with yourself about the level of accountability you need to succeed and then get it. Some people do well with information and monthly check-ins to review progress and actions. Others need weekly accountability and feedback. Some people need almost daily accountability to stay on track. Figure out what you need and then make it happen. Often the difference between those that get good results and those that get unbelievable results is simply how many layers of accountability were built. One of our very successful boot camp members has built quite a few layers of accountability to get great results. She is accountable to me as her coach both in boot camp and in the semi-private Jean Drop Challenge. She is accountable to a few boot camp buddies through daily reporting via text and finally she is accountable to her friends and family on Facebook. She has built a deep circle of support for herself and her results are better because of this support.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: Think about whether you need monthly, weekly, or daily accountability to stay on track with your program. A huge hint may be how often you find yourself needing feedback or encouragement. Once you have an idea of what you need, get the accountability. If you need monthly accountability, join boot camp and take advantage of the coaching calls. If you need weekly accountability, join one of our challenges such as the semi-private Jean Drop Challenge. If you need daily accountability, couple the previously mentioned options with a boot camp accountability buddy and consider blogging or reporting your progress on Facebook. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself accountable and on track.

As you have learned in this article series, a successful body transformation is about more than calories, grams of fat, reps, and sets. You have got to engage your mind and build a transformation mindset to achieve your best body possible. The investment of time and emotions that it takes to create the body transformation mindset yields amazing returns. Get inspired and turn on your own body transformation mental switch!

For your FREE body transformation resources, sign up for our newsletter at

Monday, April 25, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, April 25th

Congratulations to Angie Harrington!
She pushed through entire workout. Needed a breather during cardio but didnt want to quit and finished it out. Great attitude and eager to learn!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Living Without the Cream - Part I

Living Without the Cream - Why I Had to Learn to Drink Black Coffee
Part I – Knowing When It Is Time to Let Go

If you have started on your path of living the fitness lifestyle and even achieved some level of body transformation success and you are looking to bump things up a notch and discover what you can accomplish if you gave it your best shot, I challenge you to learn to live “without the cream”. Before you stop reading and decide that I have absolutely lost my mind, let me share my personal experience of learning to drink black coffee to provide some insight into what I mean.

A few weeks ago I decided that I was getting a little bored with my personal fitness and wanted to switch gears a bit from being mostly a coach to being more of a player on “team fitness”. I started thinking about a challenge that would light my fitness fire and get me excited about my training. In preparation for that goal, I decided that I was going to train to fit the smallest jean size I have ever worn as an adult (although my current size is the smallest size I’ve worn outside of competitive figure training season) as a short term goal . I wanted to prove to myself that I could achieve the goal while still maintaining a lifestyle approach to fitness (without twice daily workouts and eating chicken breast and broccoli all the time). With a goal in mind and an understanding of my underlying motivation, it was time to construct a plan.

It was easy to identify the training tweaks I could make to get closer to the goal but, as I always tell my clients, nutrition is most important so I took a look at my diet to see what I needed to change. I confirmed that I was already following the “Metabolic 10” (basic nutrition guidelines) but I discovered… THE CREAM. “The cream” can be any crutch that you use to get you through the hard work of being consistently disciplined with your diet. For me “the cream” was literally the cream in my coffee. I am very good about avoiding juice, soda, artificial sweeteners, and the like but I had come to rely on the cream in my coffee for my sweet fix. With time, my frequency and amount (of course I had stopped measuring) had grown and I estimated that I was getting an extra 100-200 calories daily in cream. Now this may not seem like a big deal to you and if I were just starting my fitness journey, staying in shape, or continuing to slowly tighten up, it wouldn’t be a big deal to me either. However, I had an aggressive goal and other boundaries that I was putting on my fitness program (remember I didn’t want to spend lots of time training) so I knew it was time to let go of the cream both to hit my short term goal of getting in those jeans and to sharpen the mental toughness and resolve that I would need to take on my next goal. So it was obvious to me that the cream had to go- it was no longer an option to let it stay.

It has been almost two weeks now since I gave up the cream. I would be lying if I said it was easy or that I hadn’t contemplated going back. The justifications have run through my mind. I had hit similar goals before without giving up the cream- why should I give it up? I had just given up artificial sweeteners a few months ago- wasn’t it too soon to be changing something else? There were many more thoughts that I had to work through to become solid in my commitment to live without the cream. I’ve even opened my hubby’s cream ready to give in during times of weakness and talked myself off the ledge because for me hitting my goal and proving something to myself is worth it. If you have an aggressive goal (or aggressive time frame) or even if you are just tired of always getting close but never quite "there" and you think you are worthy to experience the success of achievement, it is time to let go of the cream. So I challenge you to take a close look at your diet and be honest with yourself… what is your cream?

In part II, I’ll tell you why giving up the cream was so important and give you some practical instructions to discover and get rid of the cream in your life when you want to kick things up a notch to hit your goals. You don’t have to give it up forever and once you hit your goals you can decide if and when you’ll put it back. I’m sure I’ll enjoy a cup of caramel color coffee again in my lifetime… just not in the next couple of weeks.

Coppell Boot Camp Member Body Transformation Success Story

Nichole Bentley, from the Coppell boot camp location of Great Shape Fit Club, shares her story of body transformation success against some pretty significant odds. Despite being faced with obstacle after obstacle, this very tenacious boot camper has made some great strides on her fitness journey and she isn't stopping here. You'll see more of her in the coming months. Listen to her story and GET INSPIRED!

Ready to start your own transformation, call today 214-257-0146 to claim your FREE 2-week trial boot camp membership to train with Nichole and the other ladies of Fit Club.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Friday, April 15th

Congrats Pamela Nourvle & Randee Ward! Pam you rocked the level 3 exercises! Randee way to be supportive and motivating!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, April 14th

Congrats Tricia Duhon! All the ladies deserve boot camper of the day but an extra hats off to Tricia. She has a cruise coming up so she made sure she got the most out of the drop squats by making sure her thighs were at least parallel to the floor EVERY time! Work it girl!!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, April 14th

Congrats Jaime Fechter- Way to keep your focus and intensity on a really tough workout. Your lunges were perfectly deep for all 5 rounds of our Fight Gone Bad Workout. Congrats!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, April 13th

Congrats Tara Silver-Malyska. Great job Tara on continuing to push yourself beyond what you believe to be your limits. You doubled your weight on the swings and still kept perfect form like it was nothing. Keep up the good work!

Everyday Nutrition for Amazing Body Transformation

Coppell Boot Camp Trainer Concita Thomas Presents
"Everyday Nutrition for Amazing Body Transformation"

This 90-minute, interactive nutrition workshop will give you the knowledge and tools you need to begin to eat in a way that will jump start or accelerate results of your personal transformation.

Come out to learn:

Where you are on the "Healthy Eating Spectrum"and the most rewarding next steps.

The "Metabolic 10" nutrition guidelines for better health, performance, and a leaner figure.

The art of buidling and recognizing balanced, healthy meals and building weekly plans.

How to tweak family favorites to create healthy meals for a leaner, healthier family.

When:Saturday, April 30th 9:30am
Where: Healthy Me Art Cafe

Cost: $10 (Free for active boot camp members who bring a friend- friend is free also!)

What to Bring: A pen, an open and alert mind, and a smile!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Tuesday, April 12th

Boot Camper of the Day goes to...the girl with the fastest feet in Highland Village = Valerie Cooper! The music moved her during the finisher and this girl had smoke coming from her feet. Everyone had an awesome workout this morning. There were deeper squats and lower pushups from all. Great work ladies, the results of the increased range of motion are easy to see in all of you.

Highland Village PM Boot Campers of the Day

Monday, April 11th

Congrats Jenn Camacho & Jenn Garross! The double Jenn attack was on last night. Both ladies were intense and focused. They fought through a few sticking points in a rough workout and came out on top. Way to go girls!

Special shout out as well to the entire Highland Village PM class. You ladies were all intense last night. You executed that workout like the athletes that you have become and I am so proud to be your coach!

Body Transformation - How to Build Your Weekly Training Schedule for Body Transformation

Are You Really Training OR Just Working Out- What’s the Difference?

How to Build a Weekly Training Schedule to Get Body Transformation Results

When your goal is simply to get started with a more active lifestyle, pretty much any exercise or regimen will do. However, when you are ready for serious body transformation results, your weekly training regimen requires a little more thought and planning. To consistently lose fat and increase muscle definition you must abandon random workouts and learn what it means to truly engage in a results driven training program. A training program doesn’t require that you take all of the fun out of your training; it simply means that everything you do has a purpose and moves you closer to your body transformation goal. No more back to back group exercise classes and walking on the treadmill at a pace slow enough to read your favorite magazine. For body transformation, there are four workout categories that can be included in your training plan: strength workouts, high intensity interval workouts (also called conditioning work), moderate intensity cardio (moderate intervals or steady state), and regeneration work that includes foam rolling and stretching. Since the goal of a training plan geared toward body transformation is to cause and maintain an increase in metabolism, the following training hierarchy should be used.

Training Hierarchy

1. Strength Workouts

2. Regeneration Workouts

3. High Intensity Intervals

4. Moderate Cardio

Your strength workouts are your first priority as they will help you build and maintain muscle which is critical to maintaining a high metabolism. Next on the list is foam rolling and stretching. Your regeneration work will help your body recover from the intense workouts that you are doing and insure that you are getting the best results for your efforts as well as staying injury free. Next priority is high intensity intervals. These interval sessions will improve your overall fitness level as well as create an after burn effect that keeps your body burning calories at a higher rate for up to a day and half after the session. High intensity is relative to each person however during interval training, you should be working at near maximal or maximal effort levels in short spurts followed by periods of working at recovery level. See my article on intervals if you need to know how to build an interval training program. Your last priority in your training regimen (and sometimes an unnecessary one depending on your goal and previous exercise history) is moderate cardio. This element can help burn more calories and accelerate results only when you have addressed the higher training priorities and implemented a sound nutrition plan. Unfortunately most of us flip this hierarchy upside down. The tendency to do lots of cardio and eliminate strength training and recovery sessions when your schedule is tight leaves many women on the weight loss rollercoaster losing and gaining the same few pounds repeatedly and never achieving true body transformation. You can not kickbox and spin your way to a tight, athletic figure- hitting the iron is critical. Now that you understand the components of a weekly training schedule, lets get on to the business of building one. A weekly training schedule can vary a lot based on the goal of the person training, their previous exercise history, and the amount of time they have available to dedicate to training. You do not have to spend endless hours in the gym to transform your body. You only have to train smart and eat well. The schedules below are not the final word on training schedules but simply examples to give you an idea of how to build and customize your own weekly schedule.

Sample Weekly Training Schedules

I have helped dozens of women transform their bodies tremendously with as little as two hours per week broken into four weekly workouts. Remember, proper nutrition is really the key to shedding fat to show off all of the hard earned muscle you have gained with your training program.

For your FREE body transformation resources, sign up for our newsletter at

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, April 11th

Congrats Frances Buenrostro....she has heart :) She had just started her burpees set (in the finisher) when the timer went off indicating that time was up....she kept going and finished them out!!! And she encouraged Jessica the entire time they were working out!!!!!

Love this new group of girls...they are so encouraging of each other!!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Friday, April 8th

Congrats Alissa Jaquish! You bumped to several level 3 variations and proofed that you are focused on getting results!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, April 7th

Jaclyn Kearby had an awesome workout last night and she immediately took on the challenge given to up the intensity on the plank with rows and maintained it for all 8 rounds!!

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day!

Thursday, April 7th

Something is in the water in Highland Village because today the ENTIRE crew at boot camp killed it again. Congrats Daryle Currie, Jaime Fechter, Kalpana Kelkar, Karen Roberts, Katie Murph, Leslie Bedford, Sheryl Dorsey, and Valerie Cooper. They started off quiet but finished with a bang. Every single boot camper did LEVEL 3 PLANK JACKS at least one round of the grueling finisher. That is beyond impressive. Great job ladies!

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day!

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Wednesday, April 6th

Congrats Lety Conzuelo~ Lety did a great job with intensity durning this workout without sacrificing form. She was also hustling on the slightly amped up finisher. Way to hustle Lety!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Campers of the Day

Tuesday, April 5th

Congrats Karen Roberts, Daryle Currie, Sheryl Dorsey, Jaime Fechter, Chandra Linquist, Missy Nicholson, Tracy Allen, Valerie Cooper, Kalpana Kelkar. The whole crew killed Boot Camp Survivor this morning. Awesome job to everyone!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, April 4th

Congrats Shelley Pierson-
Shelley is growing in confidence and ability with every passing week. Way to rock out the weighted side planks and staying with the level 3 jump squat variations even when the going got rough!

Highland Village Boot Camp Instructor Explains Body Transformation Mindset

Concita Explains What it Means to "Embrace the Burn" How to Set Your Mind for Body Transformation Success

If you are ready to "Embrace the Burn", call today to receive a FREE 2-week trial membership with us. 214-257-0146.

Cancer Charity Boot Camp in Highland Village

Highland Village Boot Camp Sponsors Charity Boot Camp

Benefitting "The Hopefuls" Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk Team

Come support Tricia Duhon (Highland Village PM boot camper) and her team, The Hopefuls, in a Charity Boot Camp to raise funds for their team. The Hopefuls with participate in the Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk. All proceeds from camp that day will go to their team.


Charity Boot Camp April 23rd, 7:30am at Excite Gym in Highland Village- 2225 Highland Village Rd.

Here's how you can participate:

1. Email Tricia by April 16th to reserve your spot.

2. Go to the website for The Hopefuls (CLICK HERE) and donate the amount (or more) that corresponds to your sponsorship level.

Silver: $20- Boot Camp Workout + Boot Camp to Go (one month of digital boot camp downloads)

Gold: $50- Boot Camp Workout + Boot Camp to Go + 1 Free Phase of Boot Camp (new members only)

Corporate: $1000- Ten employees of the corporation receive: Boot Camp Workout + Boot Camp to Go + 1 Free Phase of Boot Camp (new members only) + CHOICE OF Fitness Lunch and Learn or Boot Camp Workout (at the business location)

3. Print out your receipt and bring it with you to boot camp on April 23rd.

Coppell Boot Camp Instructor Concita Thomas Demonstrates Proper Exercise Intensity for Body Transformation

Boot Camp Instructor Demonstrates Proper Exercise Intensity for Body Transformation

Want to change your body? It doesn't take a lot of time but it does take a lot of intensity. At Great Shape Fit Club, our ladies get in great shape with intense 20-minute boot camp workouts. Don't think you can change your body with 20-minute workouts? Watch Concita, boot camp instructor, demonstrate what training for rapid body transformation looks like.

Burn for 20 - hot for life! Embrace the burn!
Don't think you can push yourself to work out that hard alone? Call today to receive a FREE 2-week trial membership with our boot camp: 214-257-0146.

Coppell Boot Camp Weight Loss Success- Michelle Traw

Coppell Boot Camp Member, Michelle Traw, Explains How She Developed a Body Transformation Mindset for Amazing Results

Listen to Michelle's story and GET INSPIRED! Call today to receive a FREE 2-week trial membership to join Michelle and the ladies of Great Shape Fit Club to begin your own transformation. 214-257-0146

How To Get a Body Transformation Mindset - Coppell Boot Camp Instructor Explains

Turning on the Mental Switch – Get a Body Transformation Mindset

Part I

How can you go from thinking about transforming your body to successfully doing so? How can you get the best possible results from your training and nutrition efforts? The answer is simple- take the steps to get a “body transformation mindset”. There are SIX CRITICAL STEPS to get your mind prepared to guide your body to its best performance and appearance.

1. Admit that the current state of your body (or something about the current state) is not only not ideal but undesirable to you right now.

This step does not include saying or thinking degrading things about yourself or downplaying recent body transformation success. It simply requires admitting that something about the way you currently look or feel makes you upset, frustrated, or humiliated and that there is still more work to do. Neglecting to admit dissatisfaction with your current state and glossing you’re your goals takes away your motivation to do what it takes to see your transformation through to the intended goal. If how you look and feel now makes you happy (completely) then there is no need to change and believe me when you are faced with decisions to skip out on workouts or indulge in unplanned splurges, you will justify those actions with “I am happy with my body so why not”.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: Take a picture of yourself in a sports bra and shorts or a 2-piece bathing suit and be real about what you see then determine to change it.

2. Accept that your lifestyle choices have created the current body. This step is necessary to help you realize that you have the power to change what you see and what you don’t like. If you blame age, genetics, or circumstances for the current state of your body, you are powerless to change. You will believe you have to wait for circumstances to change or simply accept that this is the best you can have because of your age or genetics (because obviously these things won’t change). However, the truth is that you have the power to change regardless of age, genetics or circumstances. When you embrace this truth, you will find opportunities to improve.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: Admit what YOU have done (or not done) that created the current body and what you can change to get what you want. If you aren’t sure that you know the answers, start your list and send it to me. I will help you with this part of the process if you need help and are serious about getting ready to change.

3. Be willing to get the necessary gear, access, and support to change. This step simply involves a commitment to putting the pieces together that are necessary for your success. The same way you would not try to run a marathon in basketball shoes, you shouldn’t expect to successfully transform your body without the appropriate tools and support. Don’t try to “lone ranger” yourself into your best body “survivor style”- without the necessary tools. If you need some weights- buy or borrow some. If you hate working out alone- get a workout partner, a trainer, or join boot camp. Whatever the obstacle is-jump over it or knock it down but stop staring at it and pointing at it as the reason why you can’t get fit.

Body Transformation Mindset Action: Identify the tools you need and the type of support you want to get in shape. Write a list and get the things on the list. Not sure if your list is complete? Send it to me and I will help. Implement these steps to create a Body Transformation Mindset and stay tuned for the final steps in part two of this article.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, April 4th

Congrats Frances Buenrostro! She pushed herself and encouraged those around her!! She also killed her mountain climber finisers using speed and perfect form!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Friday, April 1st

Way to go Meena Basnyat! You continually pushed yourself harder and hard at each exercise and increase your variations!


Highland Village Boot Camper of the Day

Thursday, March 31st

Congrats Jenn Garross for her plank jacks at end the of the workout. She was getting fatigued and asked to be reminded what variation 2 was but decided not to give up and kept doing variation 3. Awesome job Jenn.