Monday, October 31, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, October 31st

Congratulations to Boot Camper of The Day: Jennifer Killam

Jennifer you are doing such a great job with not just your workouts but your mindset as well. Great effort in class today and I am so proud of how you are managing the "lifestyle" part of this journey outside of your workouts and letting go of the all or nothing mentality. Way to go!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Camper of The Week

Friday, October 28th

Congratulations Sheena Styger as our Boot Camper of The Day.

Sheena you push yourself more and more with each workout. Training you today was a joy. Congrats on killing it with my wild card workout today.

Highland Village PM - Boot Camper of The Day

Friday, October 28th

Congrats to Tina. Tina you have really evolved into one Fit Mama- not just in deed but in attitude!!!

You ROCKED the level 3 plank jacks for four rounds straight on your FIRST ATTEMPT. Watching you train last night, I saw that the only difference between "can't" and "can" is an attempt. Congrats on being brave enough to make the attempt.

Special kuddos also to Candace and Stephanie for giving level 3 plank jacks an effort. Way to overcome the fear and EMBRACE THE BURN!

Nice job to the entire class!

Coppell AM Boot Camp 1 - Boot Camper of The Day

Friday, October 28th

Congratulations to Boot Camper of the Day Charae!!!

Charae your intensity has grown so much over the six short weeks you have been with Fit Club. It is inspiring to watch you embrace and own the power you have to train hard. It made me smile to watch you train today. Congrats on the "boy push ups". This is just the beginning!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Highland Village AM - Boot Camper of The Day

Thursday, October 27th

Congratulations goes to Dawn Leath as Boot Camper of The Day for keeping up with one of our long time veterans, Sheryl Dorsey.
These ladies did super high step ups, level 3 push up reaches and awesome cross grip pushups. Shout outs to Julie and Susan for their effort in spite of recently overcoming colds and the upper respiratory junk that's been going around. Also, to Jaime and Kalpana...always an inspiration to watch their determination.

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Camper of The Day

Wednesday, October 26th

Sheena Styger congrats to you as Boot Camper of The Day. You had an outstanding workout. Way to put forth a great effort on a difficult workout.

Coppell AM Boot Camp 1 - Boot Camper of The Day

Wednesday, October 26th

Congrats to Boot Camper of The Day Nova Broome.

You had an amazing workout. Your new confidence in your training abilities is so evident. Congrats on levels 2 and 3 for the entire workout. Especially impressive was the undertaking of the famous FROGGER BURPEES. Way to go!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, October 25th

Boot Camper of The Day goes to Mary Beth - Great focus on today's workout.

Today you really exhibited your ability to use your mental muscle to get even more out of your workout. I saw you mentally fight through those wall sits and make it the entire time each round. Way to mentally engage to get better physical performance.

Highland Village PM- Boot Camper of The Day

Monday, October 24th

Boot Camper of The Day goes to all the dedicated ladies who were willing to sacrifice the first inning of the Rangers' game for an awesome workout. A special shoutout to Mary for sticking with the mountain climbers at the end...she was struggling but she kept going. Great job to all!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Highland Village AM Boot Camp

Thursday, October 20th

Shout outs to to these ladies for their great work: Katelyn for joining us and kicking BUTT, Erica for coming back and mastering the side lunge and Kalpana, Jaime, Dawn, Laurie, and Karen for their pushup incorporated into the reach outs! WAY TO GO!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Camper of the Day

Monday, October 19th

Tonya McGill congratulations as Boot Camper of The Day. Tonya had nice focus and intensity throughout the entire workout today. Your squat form was perfect and your intensity on our conditioning moves VERY IMPRESSIVE! Way to go!

Coppell AM Boot Camp 1 - Boot Camper of The Day

Monday, October 19th

Congratulations goes to Carla McElroy as Boot Camper of the Day. Way to rock out the entire workout. Your resolve on the plank jacks during conditioning was especially impressive.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Highland Village PM- Boot Campers of the Day

Monday, October 17th

Congratulations goes to ALL the ladies last night as Boot Campers of the Day for working hard and making do with every inch of space we had!!!

WELCOME to all the newbies and THANK YOU to all the veterans for helping everywhere and everyone they could. We had lots of energy and lots of fun!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camp 2 - Boot Campers of the Day

Monday, October 17th

Congratulations to our Boot Campers of the Day: Tonya McGill,Sheena Styger,and Mary Beth McGehee.

All of these ladies gave a really great effort on a tough workout. Way to start the phase off with a bang ladies!

Coppell AM Boot Camp 1 - Boot Campers of the Day

Monday, October 17th
Congratulations to our Coppell Boot Camp 1 Boot Campers of the Day Charae Wheatley and Nova Broome. They were both on fire! I saw the determination and self talk they used to get through the mountain climbers!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Boot Camper of the Day

Coppell AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations Charae!

Charae executed our Spartacus workout with intensity and focus and.... Charae used the 10 pounders for the entire workout. She more than tripled her poundage used in the workout from what she started with just 4 short weeks ago. Check out Charae's picture above with her original weights and the ones she used today. An increase in both strength and confidence. We are proud of you Charae!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Boot Camper of the Day

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations to Amanada Thrasher!

Amanda absolutely DOMINATED the Spartacus workout. Not only did Amanda execute this workout using her 15 pounders, she even created her own level 4 of the jumping lunge variations and finished 60 seconds of WEIGHTED jumping lunges. Gooooo Amanda!

Additional shout outs go to Aleya for using 12 pounders the entire workouts and to Tina for bumping up to 10 pounders for the entire workout.

Boot Camper of the Day

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations Julie Egan!

Julie for stepped it up and did all her sets of squat to presses, deadlifts with rows and side lunges with her 10 pounders. Way to go!

Shout outs also to Dawn for using a 12 pounder on upper body twists and Joni for facing her 'fear' (ok concern) of doing squat to presses with 10pounders instead of 8 pounders. Jaime continued to be an inspiration with her intensity and "high" high-knees. Great job to all this morning.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Coppell AM - Boot Camper of The Day

Wednesday, October 5th

Our Boot Camper of the Day is Brittan Dunham. Congratulations on stepping up the intensity today. I was especially impressed with your start jumps. Way to go!!

The entire class gave outstanding effort today. Kuddos to Charae and Megan for giving the 15 pounders a try for various exercises. Congrats to Nova for stepping up to consistently using 8 pounders. Lacy welcome to the 15 pound club. Demetrice kuddos for consistently using 10 and 12 pounders for all of your exercises. Teressa awesome job with the high step ups today. Megan kuddos on stepping up to give the star jumps a try. Way to go ladies!

Highland Village AM - Boot Camper of the Day

Tuesday, October 4th

Congratulations to Boot Camper of The Day Sarah Combs.

Way to go Sarah. Level 3 on nearly the entire Fit Club Spartacus workout. Way to work it girlie. Nice star jumps too! You are on FIRE!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Coppell AM Boot Camper of The Day

Monday, October 3rd

Congrats to Boot Camper of The Day - Nova Broome. She killed her mountain climbers and her form on everything was perfect.

Highland Village PM- Boot Camper of The Day

Monday, October 3rd

Congratulations to Boot Camper Of The Day Amanda Thrasher. Amanda stepped it up with doing squats with 20lb dumbells!!! Way to take advantage of the 'big girl' weights! It was a great workout last night from all.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Avoid and Alleviate Knee Pain

How to Avoid and Alleviate Knee Pain for Exercise Enthusiasts

If you think the throbbing pain in your knees is just part of leading an active lifestyle and transforming your body, think again. Check out my top five tips to avoid and alleviate knee pain.

Tip #1: Pay attention to form on lower body exercises.
In general, when you squat and lunge your knees should stay just above or behind your toes and the heel of your supporting foot or feet should stay in contact with the ground. Allowing your knees to cruise too far forward or taking your heels off the ground (and thereby putting pressure on your toes) puts undue stress on your knee joint and loads the join instead of the muscle. To ensure you are stressing the muscle rather than the joint, stick your hips out and back as if reaching for a chair as you lower yourself toward the ground and press through your heels as you are standing back up to starting position. Keep your toes and knees pointed in the same direction.

Tip #2: Stretch and foam roll DAILY (twice daily if you have time).
When you exercise, you place demand on your muscles that causes micro tears in the muscle. When you recover (take a day off from training that area), those tears are repaired. Sometimes however, you get scar tissue (much like you would from tearing anything else on your body) called adhesions that need to be broken up to ensure that your muscle continues to function as normal. Foam rolling will break up these adhesions which will allow you to get the most out of your static stretching and subsequent exercise sessions. For optimal knee health, foam roll all of the muscles around the joint including your quadriceps, hamstrings, illiotibial band, adductors, adductors, and peroneals (the front, back, outside and inside of your thighs as well as your calves and outside of the lower leg).

Tip #3: Get a deep tissue massage as often as is feasible for you.
If you are very tight and have lots of adhesions, foam rolling and stretching may not be enough at first to regain muscle tissue health and optimal, pain free performance. If you have joint pain but have never had a fall or accident, it is likely that getting a deep tissue massage would expose and eliminate a lot of the tightness and adhesions that may be causing unusual muscular force on your joints which leads to the pain you are experiencing.

Here's an analogy that will probably resonate with most busy women. Most of us have a daily or weekly cleaning regimen that we follow for our house. Now imagine if you neglected that routine for months on end. Did you get a visual of how messy and dirty the house would be? I hope so. Now how many of us would simply restart our old routine with hopes that our house would look and smell great? None of us! You would either take a few days to do a deep cleaning or most likely hire a cleaning crew to give you a "reset". Getting a deep tissue massage by an experienced therapist who specializes in orthopedic body work or Active Release Therapy is the "reset" your body needs to make your daily stretching and foam rolling routine effective.

Tip #4: Use footwear appropriate for your chosen activity and replace them when they are worn out.
For boot camp class, running or cross training shoes are optimal. If you are using fashion sneakers, it is likely that they won't provide adequate foot support. Also you don't want to use "shaping shoes" as they will lift your heels and make it hard to execute lower body exercises with proper form. Those shoes naturally push you forward when you want to be able to place your weight on your heels during lower body exercises. Some of our clients even enjoy training WITHOUT SHOES. There is research that shoes "barefoot training" to be beneficial because there is more proprioceptive feedback from the nerves in the feet thus improving your balance and glute activation during exercises and nonexistent heel lift that could encourage improper form on lower body exercises. In my opinion, it is better to train without shoes than with the wrong type or badly worn shoes.

Tip #5: Follow a balanced training program.
So many people train the muscles they can see and ignore the ones they can't. Many exercise enthusiasts are very quadriceps dominant having strong quads (front of thighs), tight hip flexors and overstretched, weak glutes and hamstrings. Make sure your training program involves exercises that work the back side of the lower body to avoid this muscular imbalance that can cause knee pain. Common exercises that work the glutes and hamstrings are deadlifts, hip bridges, step ups, and swings. At Great Shape Fit Club, we do plenty of exercises each class to work the glutes and hamstrings to ensure our members are just as strong on the back side as they are on the front side... that is also the secret to our signature Fit Club Booty (round, tight, and high).

Use these tips to avoid and alleviate knee pain so that you can stay active and achieve and maintain your body transformation results.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Coppell AM - Boot Camper of the Day

September 30th

Congrats to Boot Camper of the Day - Trixie!!!

Trixie's amazingly upbeat attitude lights up the class. Not only did Trixie give a great effort during the Wildcard Workout- she managed to still donate some of her energy to keep the whole group smiling and laughing with her spontaneous "dance breaks". Viva La Salsa! That's the spirit Trixie!

Highland Village PM- Boot Camper of The Day

Congratulations to Boot Camper Of the Day Diane Thrasher!!

Congrats on joining the 15 pound club. Diane has grown in strength, stamina and confidence since joining Fit Club just 3 months ago. Today she made a stellar showing by bumping up to 15 pounds from 10s - even on a tough Wildcard Workout. Way to go Diane! You are proof that hard work and consistency pay off. She has also never missed a single class during her entire time at Fit Club... a true example!