Friday, July 30, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Karen Roberts:

Way to set the pace on the challenge workout. Awesome job and energy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coppell Boot Campers of the Day

Congrats to Pamela Nourvle & Tara Silver-Malyska!

Awesome job on those scorpion pushups!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day


Shout out to Daryle Currie - Super positive attitude and encouraging to others during a tough workout.

Way to go!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Coppell AM Boot Campers of the Day

There were many outstanding performances today and an overall "get it done" attitude throughout the class.

Today's shout outs:
Adrian Manuel - Determination & intensity
Nancy Everett - Bumping up levels
Rachana Shah - Bumping up levels
Prathyusha Sylvada - Perfecting form on some of the challenging exercises.

Way to go ladies!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Boot Camper of the Day goes to new fit clubber Nancy Everett!

Nancy has exhibited dedication to learning how to execute the exercises with proper technique and isn't afraid to bump up the intensity once she has the form down. Way to put in the work Nancy.

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day


Good job Dara Hayden!

Dara is consistent with both intensity, form, and attendance. Dara is truly a member of the program and makes the effort to get her weekly workouts in no matter which location she needs to attend to get it done. Way to be dedicated to your health Dara!

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day


Congrats Kaplana Kelkar!

Way to go on the workouts. Kalpana is being majorly consistent with intensity on very difficult workouts. Way to rock!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Adrian Manuel!

You rocked today, completely 10 reps of each exercise for 10 rounds of a very hard workout!

Excellent job!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Way to go Lee Ann Shannon!

You had great intensity on a tough workout! Keep up the good work.

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations to Pamela Nourvel!

Great job bumping up the intensity and congrats on your level progressions!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Good job Prathyusha Sylvada!

You have graduated from incline push up moves to on the floor. Great progress. Way to push toward higher fitness levels!

Highland Village PM Boot Campers of the Day

Congrats to Jenise Cerna & Tricia Duhon!

Jenise has progressed to mostly level 3 variations and continues to push her limits with every workout.

Tricia had an outstanding performance on a extremely difficult workout.

Way to work!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Avoid These Dangers


I would love to tell you guys I was smart enough to discover this danger but the truth is I learned it in church and I'm just passing along a very helpful message. Two things that can be very dangerous to your fitness endeavors and in life are two seemingly harmless WORDS.... Can you guess them? They are "try" and "but". When you tell yourself you are going to "try" to make it to class, do your cardio, eat protein and produce every 2-3 hours, it is NOT going to happen. Why would I say this? It is because by using the word "try" you have already given yourself an excuse or an out. Think about it. When someone who is holding you accountable asks you whether or not you did it and you say "no", you then follow up with "I said I was going to try and I did". Basically "try" is the lack of commitment. Either do or don't but please for your sake don't "try".

The second dangerous word is even sneakier and one that I am learning to eliminate as well. That word is "but". In coaching clients, I can't count how many times I've heard, "I know I should be eating X and doing this much cardio BUT (insert excuse or contradiction here)". The word but negates anything that was said before it. It means what I just said isn't what I truly believe, think, feel, or endeavor to do because of whatever I say after the but. Think about it. Have you ever used the word but after any of the following statements? I know I need to keep breathing if I want to live. I know that if I stand in front of a moving bus it will run me over. I'm pretty sure you don't have a "but" to go after those statements so don't use "but" when it comes to talking about achieving your goals.

Keep these two little sneaky words out of your mouth. Do what it takes to meet your goals and watch your level of accomplishment dramatically increase.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Aloria Prince!

Awesome job on one of the toughest workouts we've done so far. Way to work!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Coppell AM Boot Camper of the Day

Way to go Leah Everett!

Leah is new to Fit Club but still brought her A-Game with high level intensity and form!

Excellent job!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Boot Camper of the Day is Kalpana Kelkar:

Awesome form and intensity. Those scorpion pushups were sick. Way to go!

Highland Village PM Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Jessica Gaross for her level 3 exercises for all 10 rounds and 10 reps of everything with 30 seconds or more of rest each round.

Great workout!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats to Marsha Valenti our Boot Camper of the Day! Even though Marsha didn't feel well, she gave it her all today!

Way to go Marsha!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Method Behind the Madness - 20 Minutes Continuous Boot Camp Workout

We have a great month of new bootcamp workouts locked and loaded for you!

As you know, we spend an inordinate amount of team researching and testing exercise variations and workout templates to best ensure that we bring the cream of the fitness crop your way each and every month.

Lots of other bootcamps simply seek to just beat you down and get you tired with no rhyme or reason behind what they do. This results in limited results and lots of unwanted injuries.

However, everything we do at Great Shape Fit Club boot camps is based on sound exercise science and battle-tested, in the trenches real world experience.

I feel that it's important to know why you're doing what you're doing when it comes to fitness because it helps reinforce the implementation of the necessary habits to get into the best shape of your life.

So I just wanted to take the time to briefly explain the method behind the madness of the incredible, cutting-edge Continuous 20-Minute Workouts coming your way this month.

What is it and how do you do it?

Continuous 20-Minutes is a density training bootcamp-style workout where the goal is to perform the same amount of work in less time and/or more work in the same amount of time or less.

Each workout consists of a 4-exercise circuit that works your entire body. Every 2 minutes you will perform 10 reps of each exercise (5 reps/side for unilateral movements) in the circuit as fast as you can with perfect form and technique.

The goal is to complete each circuit within 60-90 seconds and then you rest for the remaining time left in each 2-minute round. In other words, the faster your complete each round the more rest you get and visa versa.

You will perform 10 total rounds for an INSANE 20-minute metabolic workout.

If your completion time is 60 seconds or less then you need to INCREASE the intensity of your workout by increasing loads and/or using more advanced exercise variations

If your completion time is longer than 90 seconds then you need to DECREASE the intensity of your workout by decreasing loads and/or using easier exercise variations

Why does it work?

"Training Density" describes the amount of work completed in a certain period of time. ‘

'Work" describes total training volume which is the number of reps you perform for each exercise times the loads/exercise variation used to do so.

The more work you complete in the same amount of time the greater the calorie burn and the greater the muscular demand resulting in improved fat loss and lean muscle gain.

To take training density to the next level, seek to complete MORE work in the SAME amount of time or LESS.

Since you must perform 10 reps of each exercise in the 4-exercise circuit, this can be accomplished by either increasing the load used or by using a more advanced exercise variation where applicable from week to week.

In other words:

10 reps for each exercise in the circuit X

4 total exercise within each circuit X

10 total rounds =

400 total reps in 20 minutes

For example, if you used a 10 lb dumbbell for all exercises within the circuit, that means you would have performed 4,000 lbs of work in 20 minutes- Not too shabby!

However, if you progressed to using a 15 lbs dumbbell for all exercises within the circuit by the end of the phase that would mean you performed 6,000 lbs of work in 20 minutes- That's 2,000 lbs more than you did in your first workout!

Now the only way your body could meet this increased workload is by boosting lean body mass eliminating unwanted body fat. Plus, since your heart rate will be elevated throughout the entire workout, your overall conditioning will go through the roof this phase.

This progressive overload is the key to making your body change. Simply seek to gradually move from Level I to II to III over the course of this month to best ensure you get the most out of your workouts.

Sneak Peak at Great Shape Fit Club boot camp Workouts of the Month:

Below is an outline of ONE of our workouts of the month.

We will be using a 3-workout rotation with 48-hours between bootcamp workouts for optimal muscle growth and recovery.

Continuous 20 Minutes Density Training

3 Equipment-Free Workouts

Workout A

1- Vertical Jumps Variation- 10 reps (5/side)

2- Spiderman Push-ups Variation- 10 reps (5/side)

3- Rotational 1-Leg Deadlift Variation- 10 reps (5/side)

4- Side Pillar Reach and Rotate Variation- 10 reps (5/side)

As always, we will be powering our bootcamp workouts with WORKOUT MUSE (

The music will tell you exactly what to do so we trainers can do what we do best- coach, supervise, and motivate you to the best results-producing workouts of your life!


Embrace the Burn!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Coppell Boot Camper of the Day

Congrats Prathyusha Sylada!

The first step in getting great results is showing up and Prathyusha has been to every session this phase of camp and will be attending tomorrow's bonus session. Way to put in the work!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Highland Village AM Boot Camper of the Day

Congratulations Missy Nicholson you are boot camper of the day for winning the in-class challenge!

Way to go!