Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fast Boot Camp Home Workout

Highland Village & Coppell's Best Boot Camp Instructor Presents...

Rapid Boot Camp Style Fat Loss at Home

Are you a busy woman? Do you think you don't have time to exercise? Don't believe that for one moment. YOU DO HAVE TIME! It doesn't take hours, expensive equipment, magic pills, or a gym membership to lose fat and get fit despite what you may have been told. All it takes is a big enough WANT to get it done.

I know this for a fact because I'm busy just like you and even I have to catch myself when I'm tempted to buy in to the 'NO TIME EXCUSE'. It happened today. After taking care of my 5 month old, my hubby who just had oral surgery, my boot campers, and the house, I just didn't feel like getting the workout done. I told myself 'I DON'T HAVE TIME' because I still have so much to do and then I remembered just how much time it REALLY takes to get it done... the same amount of time it takes to talk myself out of it. So here's what I did. You can do it too!

Do the following using a stairway with 15-20 steps. The steps in your house or apartment complex are perfect!

Run up the stairs and walk down 1 stair at a time. 10x
Bicep Curls with weights. 10x
Run up the stairs 2 at a time and walk down. 10x
Bicep Curls with weights. 10x
Step up the stairs 2 at a time with one side leading up going sideways (alternate sides each time)10x.
Bicep Curls with weights 10x
Bunny Hops up stairs 1 at a time. 10x
Hammer Curls with weights 10x
Step up and knee drive up stairs 1 at a time 10x
Hammer Curls with weights 10x
Run up stairs 1 at a time. 10x
Hammer curls with weights. 10x

At the end, I was exhausted and it only took 30 minutes. If you have less time, only do half or go through the exercises until you run out of time. Even if you do 5 minutes, it's better than none.

Remember....'In order for ANYTHING to change, SOMETHING has got to change.'

So go and make that change and remember to 'EMBRACE THE BURN'!

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