Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Preparation is the Key to Success (With Fat Loss & Life)

What's the difference between someone who "knows what to do" to succeed and someone who does what it takes? I think the answer can be summed up in one word...PREPARATION!

As a fitness trainer who works with ladies looking to lose weight and get in shape, I hear it all the time... "I know what to do, I just have to do it". Wrong! You just have to PREPARE so that you can do what you know. Planning and preparing is the missing link in virtually every failed fitness attempt. So how can you better prepare and what happens when you face a setback (like for instance a failed alarm clock)? Check out this peek into my life this morning and apply the lessons to your own life for more success in fat loss and beyond.

If you had been in my house this morning, you would have gotten quite a laugh. It looked like something out of a comedy movie. I woke up at 5:03am. For most people, that would not have been a problem but since I teach boot camp at 5:30am, that COULD HAVE been a MAJOR problem but it wasn't. I didn't even have to skip breakfast (#1 nutrition violation for busy women).

So how did I manage to arrive to work on time, perfectly groomed, with ironed clothes, and with a breakfast in my belly that supports my fitness and body composition goals? Very being prepared. Check out my top 5 preparation tips to help you stop with the excuses and succeed with fat loss.

1) Select and iron your clothes the night before AND always have a go to outfit or two that require no ironing just in case you fall asleep without ironing your clothes (oh this one is a bonus - only keep in your closet clothes that fit so you don't have to spend time in the morning doing the routine fashion show). This morning I had to use my go to outfit because when I put AJ to sleep, I put me to sleep too!

2) Prepare your food in advance (at least the day before but a couple of days worth in advance in best) and pack your meals in INDIVIDUAL SIZED, GRAB AND GO TUPPERWARE. You don't have time to scoop out portions of this and that when you are running late. This morning's breakfast was Greek yogurt and an apple (protein and produce as required).

3) Pack your gym and workout bags the night before and put them either in the car or by the door.

4) Shower or take a bath before bed just in case you wake up late.

5) Put your hair in a protective style at night (high ponytail or bun). This will eliminate any lengthy detangling sessions in the morning and may just serve as the next day's hairstyle if you are super tight on time. So you guessed it, with 13 minutes only to get to work, I wore my protective style with a little headband for added pizazz. Here it is... I don't think it was bad at all!

So you see a little extra planning and time management go a long way in sticking to your plan and achieving your goals. It is possible!

Now if I didn't live 3 minutes from work even these tips may not have saved the day but I think you guys get the point.

What tricks do you use (or plan to use) to make sure you stay on your nutrition and workout plan? What's your 'go to' outfit or snack that keeps you on track when things are going haywire? Post your tips in the comments section below.


  1. You rock, Concita. You just rock;)

  2. I don't really rock. I just share what I've learned from YEARS of "rolling" (yes that play on words was intended). Seriously though it took a long time to get here and I'm just trying to shorten the road for some of you.


Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog! I hope this blog is giving you the information and inspiration you need to get in great shape!