Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Self Sabotage - Stop and Finally Achieve Body Transformation Success

Secret Self Sabotage Behaviors- Part II
Stop These Behaviors to Get Fit Faster

In Part I of this article, we explored three self sabotage behaviors that can keep even the most devout fitness enthusiast from reaching her body transformation goals. In this article, we will explore three other behaviors that can take away your chances at your dream body.

Sabotage Behavior #4: Between Meal Snacking

The Problem: Eating small, frequent meals is not synonymous with a license to graze all day. Eating a few veggie chips, a spoonful of peanut butter, or a small piece of chocolate between your meals will add up over time and can be just enough to slow your progress or keep you away from your goal entirely. Even if you aren’t consuming enough calories with your between meal snacking habit to derail your progress, you are gaining a habit that could easily become detrimental to your success in the future if your portions grow or you begin to select foods that are higher in calories, sugar and fat.

The Solution: Find an activity to occupy your mind and your hands between meals. After all, if you are following the Great Shape nutrition guidelines, you are eating every 2-4 hours already. If you need to release some pent up energy, do a quick 4-minute exercise routine. Stressed? Try a few yoga poses to release the tension. Need a quick crunch fix to get through a tedious report? Try raw vegetables. If your stomach feels empty but it isn’t yet time to eat, sip on a hot cup of green tea. Either option you choose, you are adding something that will help you reach your goal instead of something that can potentially slow down your progress.

Sabotage Behavior #5: Having an “It Won’t Hurt” Mentality

The Problem:
Anything you do or eat is either helping you achieve your goal or taking you away from your goal. Believing that certain unsupportive habits “won’t hurt” will keep you on the chase- running after your goal without ever achieving it.

The Solution: Realize that the game of transforming your body is not won with one monumental choice or action but rather with the culmination of small, daily choices. Enough missed workouts or overindulgences will add up to keep you away from your goal. Begin to ask yourself, “Will this help?” If the answer is no, then it really will hurt in the long run. Accepting that choices that are not helping you achieve your goal really are taking you away from your goal will keep you from sabotaging your best efforts at a healthy, fit body.

Sabotage Behavior #6: Refusing to Give Up Trigger Foods

The Problem:
Trigger foods are foods that you are seldom successful at controlling the amount you consume and that serve as a gateway to overindulge in other non supportive foods. Leaving these foods in your diet (even in your splurge meals) while you are actively trying to transform your body sets you up for failure. You often eat more than you intended to eat and find yourself “starting over” after every overindulgence. This sometimes happens weekly over even more frequently. This keeps you away from your goal. Common trigger foods are chips, trail mix, wine, and chocolate.

The Solution: Become aware of what your trigger foods are and then avoid them.
As long as you are trying to transform your body, trigger foods have no place in your nutrition – not even in your splurge meals. Once you have attained your goal, you can experiment with learning to control your consumption of these foods by incorporating them into a splurge and monitoring how you react to them. You may find that the excitement of having attained your dream body gives you new found discipline with these foods but if that is not the case, reserve these treats for special occasions a couple of times per year.

To get free body transformation resources including free fitness reports and a nutrition crash course, subscribe to the Great Shape Fit Club newsletter at www.GreatShapeFitClub.com .


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