Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to Succeed at Living the Fitness Lifestyle

How to Succeed at Living the Fitness Lifestyle - Preventing Lifestyle Abandonment

How many times have you heard or even said, "The only way to succeed at transforming my body is to make it a lifestyle." Deep down inside, we all know that the quick fixes either won't work or will backfire just as quickly as they seemed to fix our problem. We know that we need to make lifestyle changes but many of us are stuck in a frustrating cycle of beginning, stopping, and beginning again when it comes to actually living the Fitness Lifestyle. Yet some of us succeed at living the Fitness Lifestyle...for life. Are some of us bound to stay out of shape and unhappy with our perceived inability to follow through? Are some of us just "the lucky ones" who have some advantage that makes the lifestyle more natural or somehow easier for us to live? The answer to both of these questions is NO.

Living the Fitness Lifestyle is simply a process of developing and refining effective responses to those emotions or situations that threaten our continuance on our lifelong fitness journey. Anyone who is willing to change how they view themselves and the process of developing effective responses can succeed at living the Fitness Lifestyle. So dedicate yourself to monitoring and refining your responses and watch how quickly you become one of the "lucky ones" who is happily living the Fitness Lifestyle and inspiring those around you to do the same.

“Your success at living the Fitness Lifestyle (which of course will lead to body transformation) is solely dependent on your continued acquisition and refinement of effective responses rather than your willpower, existing advantages or disadvantages, or resources.”

How does the above statement free you from guilt, worry or frustration?

How does the above statement call you to a place of personal responsibility?

Leave your comments below.


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Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog! I hope this blog is giving you the information and inspiration you need to get in great shape!