Monday, August 15, 2011

Boot Camp Transformation - Behind the Scenes with Jaime Fechter

Jaime's Recap of Her Experience at the End of Week 3 of the Jean Drop Challenge

So here we are wrapping up the first half of the Jean Drop Challenge already. While it has definitely been intense (my shins still ache from Saturday’s hill sprints) it has not been as hard as I expected it to be.

I am finding the nutrition plan to be completely do-able. I am eating more food than I used to and the quality of what I’m eating has definitely improved. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s easy. Friday I would have given my left arm for something either greasy or chocolaty, but I fought through the cravings and didn’t give in. Saturday morning when I tried on my goal jeans and they fit, comfortably fit, I knew that my results were worth the fight. Seeing consistent progress is a huge motivator.

Another tool that has proved invaluable is the food journal. I was leery about keeping this at first, frankly it just sounded like an awful lot of work. Besides, I had tried it before and it never worked. But, I had never before had to actually turn them in for someone else to review and provide feedback. This is key. It makes me think twice before actually putting something in my mouth. Do I REALLY want to write “one handful of potato chips” or “the leftover half of my daughter’s unfinished cookie”??? I don’t think so…I’ll have an apple and some yogurt instead! Not to mention the feedback that is given is truly helpful.

To see what Jaime has to say in a live interview CLICK THE LINK TO JAIME'S VIDEO NOW!

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