Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jayne's Boot Camp Challenge Pictures and Essay

My challenge experience was great. It started off very hard. I was out of town the first week on a business trip, and the second week I was tending to my father who was having heart problems. I looked at both very positively! This is real life and whether I am trying to work out or eat right, these were normal challenges that I would face. So my workout utopia was upset from the start. This forced me to work harder from the start. I did cardio in the stairwell in the hospital, did tabatas in the bathroom on my business trip. I even had my brother and sister-in-law doing tabatas in the evening with a timer. It was more fun that sitting around like slugs and drinking beer (Carbs YUK).

The hardest time for me was the Super Bowl and all of the great food and drink that was available. I love queso and I was able to dismiss it to a degree, forcing myself to eat small amouts with raw carrots instead of chips! It actually tasted great. The biggest break through I had was looking at each new day as a new start. If I did splurge, then I would start the next day with a great attitude as though it never happened. This helped me to break through barriers including weight barriers that I haven't been able to do in over 15 years.

This challenge was one of the most awesome things that I have done! I have learned that I can have a "gym rat" body without living in the gym. Concita once told me "You cannot train out bad nutrition". This was my mantra during this challenge. I dynamically adjusted my food based on my workout schedule. I found myself not ever really thinking about food. I limited myself to certain choices and timeframes for eating. If I was hungry in between I would eat healthy. I feel I was very successful during the challenge. I feel that the largest area that I am still working on is self image. For whatever reason my self image is not the greatest. Suffice it to say that quite possibly this was impacted early in life and this is a psychological change that will have to occur. I am working on it and as of yesterday, my husband told me that he was very impressed with the change! Will I go back? NOT WILLINGLY!!

My largest goal when I started boot camp was to fit into my prom dress. I hope that Concita posts that picture. I met that goal with two weeks to go in the challenge. This proved to be interesting, because I felt myself slipping... Then I realized it was because I had met that goal and no longer had a GOAL! And you see, I am driven. Without a goal I seem to get lost. Throughout my life goals have been my roadmap to all of the successes I have had. So, after feeling lost for a few days, I set a new goal and am now focused on the new goal. This new goal is to prepare for a 20 mile bike ride on April 3rd and my secondary goal is to do 30 pull ups sequentially! Funny, but I am still trying to get those "Linda Hamilton - Terminator arms"!

Thank you Concita for really changing my life and helping me to break that non-productive dieting cycle! You truly helped me to pull out of a serious state of depression and helped me to turn my life around. Thanks also to my dear friend Tricia Duhon, who convinced me that Concita was well worth it!! Love you both!!
See you all at Bootcamp!!

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