Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tricia's Boot Camp Challenge Pictures and Essay

I’m a 44 year-old single mom of two girls (14 and 11), work full-time, a homeowner, and president of our HOA. Oh, and I have two dogs. If anyone could come up with excuses for not leading a healthy lifestyle – it was me. And believe me, in the past, I used every excuse in the book. But, was I happier? NO! Was I healthier? Of course not. Was I setting a good example for my kids? Not even close. I could talk-the-talk with the best of ‘em. “You’ve got to take care of yourself and eat right” is what I’d say. The sad truth is – I wasn’t willing to walk-the-walk.

That was then. Now, I realize that reaching a fitness goal takes time and loads of effort. And making a heart-felt, lasting commitment to the goal was key. I had to change my thinking. If I pictured this fitness journey as a temporary one, then those were the results I would ultimately get. Temporary. But, if I applied myself and made this lifestyle a new way of living, then my body would respond with life-long consequences.

I began this journey almost two years ago after my ex-husband and I separated and later divorced. Since then I’ve lost about 45 pounds and, in the process, have gained so much. Knowing that I’m healthier, stronger, firmer, more fit, more energetic, more confident and that I finally have control over my eating habits has given me a sense of inner strength that is hard to describe. Those two years passed so quickly. The thought crosses my mind often, “Where would I be in I had ignored my health and not even started this journey?” I’m sure that I’d be exactly where I was. OH, less be honest, I’d be worse. The situation doesn’t just get better on its own.

“You’ll never reach your goal by accident”. This is a phrase that I repeated to myself during this challenge. And, little-by-little, it’s working! I can definitely say that I’m closer to my goal weight/size than I was at the beginning of this challenge. With every few months, I make a new commitment to myself. For instance, I had already mastered the eating plan (well, there are splurges of course), but I used these few weeks to focus on taking the daily multi-vitamins, EFAs, staying away from artificial sweeteners, and attending every boot camp session. Taking on all the necessary changes at once would’ve been too overwhelming. This is a ‘baby-steps’ type of process. Thank God I finally decided to get out of the crib!

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