Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tracy's Boot Camp Challenge Pictures and Essay

When my friend Missy suggested that we do the challenge together, I was worried, because I was going back to work full time after spending the last three years working very part-time. But I decided that I should at least give it a try, if it got to be too much I could always quit.
Well, the evening before the challenge started (and the new job began), I was finishing up painting my bathroom and caught my ring finger on the shower edge as I was stepping down, the result was a trip to the emergency room, getting my rings cut off and a broken finger. I was so upset because it was so crazy that this would happen right at the worst time, it actually made me more determined to make it through the challenge. So, for the first week, I just modified my workouts to use my hand as little as possible and after that it was not really a problem. While I thought nothing could be more difficult than that, I would have to say the biggest challenge for me was that we had planned a trip to Florida in March, after the challenge, but had to reschedule so my daughter could try out for the high school cheer team. We went the last weekend in February. It was more difficult having to exercise on the road and stay on the diet. (I think that was the only week I used ALL my splurges!) But in the end, it wasn’t impossible; I think I had just been excited that it was going to be “post-challenge”.

I would definitely say the biggest factor to my success has been having Missy doing this with me. We workout together on our non-boot camp days, talk about meals/food to try, and remind each other about checking in. I know I would never have been able to pull this off without her constant support.

I’m very glad to have participated in the challenge; it has been a great learning experience. I have learned that working out isn’t that bad. I even look forward to it. I feel much healthier. I am enjoying my loose fitting clothes and people saying they can tell I’ve lost weight.

Overall the food planning was a little difficult, I am not the best at planning, but I can do it. I am looking forward to mixing in a “healthy carb” a little more frequently. I have discovered that I love protein shakes and also don’t miss things I previous thought would be impossible to give up like desserts.
I still have a ways to go to get the body I will be happy with, but this challenge has been a huge kick start toward that goal. I am now confident that it is possible to reach that goal. For the first time in years I can see a difference in my body in a positive way and finally have the motivation to stick with it!

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Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog! I hope this blog is giving you the information and inspiration you need to get in great shape!