Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beat Holiday Weight Gain

It's that time of year again when waist lines are expanding. People everywhere are gaining weight as they enjoy holiday treats. Don't wait until January 1st to do something proactive about your fitness. I'm not suggesting that you forgo the festivities but I am suggesting that you can enjoy holiday parties and treats without gaining weight! As a matter of fact, 5 ladies from my Coppell and Highland Village boot camp classes took the Beat the Holiday Belly Bulge Challenge and are embracing a more regimented accountability structure to be sure that they will shrink their waist line and lose weight during this holiday season.

Check the blog weekly as I'll keep you up to date on how they are doing.

The first week's check in has come and gone. The goal for dietary and exercise compliance is 90%. That's right. You don't have to be perfect to beat holiday weight gain and lose weight.

Here's the check in stats for week 1: (nutrition / exercise)
Cindy: 67% /80%
Liz: 92% / 100%
Cristina: 100% / 100%
Kandace: 100% / 100%
Tricia: 92% / 50%

Cristina, Liz, and Kandace have met both their workout and nutrition compliance goals. Congrats ladies!

Trica met her nutrition compliance goal. Way to go!

Stay tuned to see how they do next week. One thing's for sure, they are giving some major effort in boot camp class and 'embracing the burn'.

To work out with these inspirational ladies who are Beating the Holiday Belly Bulge, give me a call to be my personal guest for a free boot camp workout during the week of December 14th. It's bring a friend week at Great Shape Fit Club and I'd love to help you beat holiday weight gain!

Embrace the Burn!

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