Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lose Fat Fast- Set Priorities-Plan- Follow Through

Set Priorities-Plan- GET ACCOUNTABLE- Follow Through

Here's how Liz set priorities, planned, and used accountability to follow through to lose fat fast by completing her Highland Village boot camp challenge.

After two months of Fit Club, I was looking for a new way to motivate myself. I signed up for the challenge knowing it would be difficult...

A written out meal plan sounded easy. It meant not having to plan my own meals, but soon I found myself in the kitchen non-stop, cooking and washing dishes. I was getting stressed and started thinking I‘d made the wrong choice. Looking through the plan I found several days of substitutions, and a way to keep eating according to plan. I found a way to start preparing several days of meals at a time.

How hard could 24 minutes of exercise each day be? I soon found out. Some days, the only thing that kept me following the rules was the simple fact that I’d told Concita I would. I didn’t want to quit when I’d given my word.

My worst day I had to wake up at 4:45am to start my tabata. I worked all day and then had to start my “job” at home. I took the kids to karate, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, packed bags for the next day, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. I was exhausted and falling asleep at 9pm. I lay there thinking that that would be the night I would quit the challenge. It wasn’t possible to keep up with the exercise, it was too hard, I was too busy. Who would care if I didn’t do my exercise? It didn’t really matter to anyone but me if I quit. Then I thought about all the effort I had already put in. How could I change my body if I didn’t even try? Unhappily, I changed my clothes and started my workout. It was a struggle to start, but once I did, I got a second wind and was able to finish. I was really proud of myself for getting it done.

After that I moved my rest day from Sunday to Monday. I had to make exercise a priority in my schedule, and my Mondays were too unpredictable. I also realized that having my exercise requirement hanging over my head was no way to spend my day. I hate getting up early, but I hate the feeling of having unfinished responsibilities even more. Setting the alarm and getting up before the rest of the family is the best way for me to get my exercise done so I can enjoy the rest of my day. The tabata I could do anytime, even if the kids were right there.

This challenge taught me a lot. I learned just how crucial planning really is. If I leave my exercise to the times when I “feel like exercising,” I never get it done. If I leave my meal planning to the start of each day, I find myself hungry and frustrated several times a day. I learned that I really can change my habits, my lifestyle, my body. It can be done!

Liz's Flat Belly Highland Village Boot Camp Challenge Pictures

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