Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lose Fat Fast - Coppell Boot Camp Challenge

Stop the Weight Loss Excuses - Plan & Eat to Lose Fat Fast

Here's How Cristina plowed through excuses, resisted the temptation of her parents' great food, and learned to plan her menus so that she could succeed at eating to lose fat fast with her Coppell weight loss challenge.

One of the obstacles that I had to overcome to stick to the challenge was the temptation of the home-cooking at my parents’ house since I often visit on weekends. During the week it was easier to stick to compliant meals and workouts but when I am with my family, it can be difficult to turn away when offered. I started bringing my own prepared meals and snacks which really made it so much easier not to slip. It also was great that my family started making an effort to eat healthier.

Another of the obstacles was holiday parties that occurred throughout the month. I knew that there aren’t always the best choices for food and there is always alcohol available. I prepared the whole week by being strictly compliant during the week and being able to let loose just a bit during the social gatherings without going overboard.

One of the most exciting moments during the challenge is when I notice that my pants were starting to fit more loosely as the weeks progressed. It definitely motivated me to push harder during workouts and not falter with meal options because I definitely love food and sometimes it can be so tempting to eat what you shouldn’t.

One of my lowest points during the challenge was when my back started bothering me again from a previous injury. I didn’t want this to be an excuse to quit the challenge altogether, especially since I was halfway through it. Instead, I adjusted the workouts and decreased the intensity so I could still complete this challenge and maintain my compliance with my workouts.

This challenged helped me realize that getting the body one wants can be done. I find myself more aware of what I eat and keeping my workouts going even after the challenge. I know that as a busy woman there are so many things that pull us here and there or stress us out, it being work, family, etc and make it seem difficult to squeeze in a workout or make a better eating choice. It is about wanting it enough to make it work and not making excuses to yourself or others to make yourself feel better, which I have definitely done before. Those 20 minutes that I probably would use to sit in front of the TV, I can use instead to workout, or even workout while watching TV.

Concita always says that meal preparation is important for your nutrition, which is so true. When I began preparing my meals in bulk, it was so easy to just throw my meals in my bag before heading to work. I didn’t have to think about or stress about it, especially on mornings where I was running late or where I knew I was going to be really busy all day. The last thing I want to do when I get home late is to figure out what meal to prepare and it becomes so tempting to just stop by a fast food place. Time is of the essence for a busy woman and if you can save a couple of hours throughout the week by setting aside allotted times to prepare meals, it makes it a lot less stressful and less likely for slip-ups.

Cristina's Coppell Boot Camp Flat Belly Challenge Pictures

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