Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tight Waist - How Cindy Achieved Hers

Overcome Emotional Eating - Find Your Weight Loss Motivation

Here's how Cindy found what worked for her to overcome emotional eating and find her weight loss motivation to complete her Highland Village boot camp weight loss challenge.

I wanted to be a part of this challenge because I need accountability. I was 130 lbs and had just left a career of 17 years that I was very successful at. I worked hard and was promoted three times in 6 years. I finally resigned because of a hostile work environment. I walked around for about four years feeling like I had been kicked in the stomach. Oh yeah, I also went through a divorce and got remarried during this time. Over the past 6 years I have dealt with my stress and disappointments by eating. Of course I did not do this in front of my friends and family- I was too embarrassed. So, when they were out of the house or in bed, I would eat an extra piece of cake or some more cookies, etc. Most of the time I found myself snacking to avoid tackling the mounds of paperwork and responsibilities that come with a family business. I would tell myself that as soon as I had a snack, I would feel like handling all of that paperwork. Always putting off responsibilities would add to the stress and dread of missing deadlines and having even more work to do today than the day before was frustrating and depressing. THAT is why the accountability appealed to me. I knew that without someone contacting me every day to check on my progress for that day, I would not follow through.

While some participants might point to a particular portion of the challenge as the turning point for them, I had to take it meal by meal. If I ate an acceptable meal, I felt really good, like I had taken a step forward. But, it was that way with every opportunity to succeed or fail. I did not always eat the appropriate meal or exercise every day. I did realize though that there was always another opportunity to succeed with the next meal or exercise. That helped keep me going whenever I would blow it.

While the hardest part of the challenge for me was eating every 2-3 hours since I am very impulsive and busy (hard to stop what I am doing at the moment and have a meal or snack), the best part was the accountability.

I would say that if I did not believe that Concita knew what she was doing, I would not have the confidence to continue on my journey. Because of what happened to me in my career, I don't trust in or "sellout" to anything easily. But, I am very confident that if I follow her plan, I will succeed. I did not follow it consistently but if I had, I would've won this challenge!

Cindy's Flat Belly Boot Camp Challenge Pictures

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