Thursday, January 13, 2011

You Can Do It - Stick to It Challenge Day 4 Check Ins

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."
Muhammad Ali

What are you telling yourself today ladies?

Time for day 4 check ins for our challenge. Don't forget to check in using the comment section below.


  1. If this posts twice - sorry…today was a bust !!!BUT!!! tomorrow is Another Day!

  2. Day 4 - Getting the workout in today was easy, the water was more of a challenge but I got it done! (Almost forgot to post though...)

  3. This "C" workout is rough, but at least it's OVER! (for this week, anyhow)

  4. @DMCG- Tomorrow is a new day. Figurre out "why" today became a bust and how you can handle that same situation differently when it comes again... It will come again!

    @Michelle- Way to get it done girlie!

    @Jaime- You killed it! Great job on the C workout. Yes it is over until we meet again and I have a sneaky suspcicion "somebody's going to level 3" (sung to my best nah nah nah nah nah melody).

    My checkin: No meats, no sweats, no coffee, no soda. So I told you guys I wanted coffee bad two days ago and now I don't. The funny thing about cravings is that if you ignore them long enough, they will go away!


Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog! I hope this blog is giving you the information and inspiration you need to get in great shape!