Thursday, January 28, 2010

Highland Village Boot Camp Workout of The Day

On The Road for 32 Minutes...

****Each exersices is done for 1 minute****

- Burpees
- Braced Squats
- Mt. Climbers
- Rest
- Alt. Lunges
- T - Push ups
- Bicycles
- Upright row
- Rest
- Single leg deadlift
- Push press
- Speed rows
- Flutter kicks
- Planks
- Rest
- Burpees
- Speedy biceps
- Jump squats
- Dumb bell swings
- Push ups
- Rest
- Spider climbers
- Reverse crunch
- Squat hold
- Dumb bell rows
- Rest
- Reverse plank
- Russian twist
- Tricep kick backs
- Rest
- Right plank
- Left plank

Highland Village AM
Gail - Stellar push up form

Highland Village PM

Sherri - Always pushing intensity and encouraging the group to come along.

Tricia - Consistent performance and intensity.

Lindsey - Bumping up personal effort and intensity and pushing the envelope on each exercise.

Avis - Strong, consistent effort.

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